i hope you dance...

Sep 22, 2007 08:39

I am awake. And I really don't want to be. I only slept for six and a half hours. Grr. But, since I'm up, and sleep does not seem imminent, I figured I would update this.
The dance was really, really fun. :)
Miranda taught me some new dance moves, and we danced the first hour and a half straight through. I only did two slow songs though - and those were with my home teacher, Mike Jones, and my 'date' Miranda. It didn't really feel right though, so I ditched out of the room for the other ones.
Then, Brittany, Miranda, and I ninja-d off to the Primary room to play and sing hymns for about 15 minutes. And towards the end of it I was feeling REALLY strongly that I should call Adam. I hadn't planned on it, and I was kind of hoping that if I didn't call him last night, he'd call me today. Oops.
But it turns out that he needed to talk, a little, I think. He said a lot about his father's friend, and talked about some memories of him. Just from what little I've heard about him I can tell that everyone misses him a lot - and that Adam really cared about him. Once or twice, Adam slipped up and said something about him in present tense, like he was still around, and my heart about broke right there. I know about that, I've been there before. It's so tough.
I just wanted to give him a hug, but I couldn't, because I was talking to him over the phone, so I just got off the phone. I'll give him a hug sometime this week, because it's the only way I can think of to say everything I want to say to him.
In other news, we have metric tonnes of photos from the dance. LOL. aymiah is going to upload them soon, and I'll tell her to put them up on her journal. They'll also be going on Facebook.
P.S. her birthday was yesterday, go bug her. :)

walters is a place i lived, my friends: cooler than giraffes, blessings: we're nothing without them, awesomesauce things ftw!, newsflash: daily life, insecure displays of insecurity, shake it like a polariod picture, the person i wanna be better for, i definitely need a distraction

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