So hey guys. Guess where I am?
(Photo via Google, edited by me)
If you guessed back in the 'burbs of the Seattle area, then YOU ARE CORRECT! :D
I know some of you already knew, but I didn't tell many people because I wanted to keep this a secret for my folks. My amazing friend
lolitallie helped me pay for a train ride back to WA so I could surprise my mom & dad, and visit them for the holidays (though I will be leaving before Christmas, but hey--we can celebrate it early, I don't think they'll mind! ;D) My sister as well as
selphish and her roomies where also kind enough to help me pull off the surprise.
I had wanted to try to take a video of my parent's reaction to me just showing up at their door last night, but by the time I did, it was already dark, so it wouldn't have been very good...
So my sister and her boyfriend & I piled into their car and went over to my folks' house. My sister and John went right inside, like usual. I waited outside, and as luck would have it, a neighbor drove by and parked across the street. So I used that to my advantage, and knocked a minute or two after the car parked and the person got out, as if someone had driven up and was now knocking at my folks' door. My sister said that dad got up, grumbled about "Who could it be at this hour?", and then once he opened it and saw it was me, he went: "....DAWN?!?!?!?!"
And as I stepped inside, my mom looked over from her chair, and I thought her jaw was going to fall off! She was literally making a D8 face! She simply couldn't believe it was me! XD
To my surprise, mom didn't cry (she was too shocked!), but my DAD, of all people, did! XD Just a little, though, and he ran off into the kitchen for a moment so we couldn't see. X3 aww. I cried a teeny bit, but I was expecting that. Everyone was so surprised, though, I was so happy! SERIOUSLY, with how long I had to keep that secret, I would've been pissed if it hadn't worked!
We were all so excited that I busted out the Christmas gifts I brought and made everyone open theirs. So mom gave me my gifts early, too--a couple of cute bunnies (one was a mama bunny with a baby bunny! Aww! <3) as well as
a set of more Pink Gooseberry dishes to add to my Pyrex collection. ;3; So awesome! Mom's already plotting to make a Christmas Dinner before I leave so we can all eat it together, too. you see why I was so excited for celebrating Christmas early? ;D
I managed to get the sniffles in the past couple of days (I'm not sure if it's my allergies reacting to the sudden drastic climate change, or if I caught a little bug from someone on the plane, or both!) But either way it's pretty annoying. I've been taking Emergenc-E the past couple of days, though, and that's helped quite a bit. I might try to get some Benadryl the next time I go to the store...if it's allergies, that should help.
Well, I just wanted to update with that little fun tid-bit...and to explain why I've been rather absent from the internets the past week or so (and probably will be until I return back home) and to share my happiness. The train trip was rough at times, but mostly fun, so even though it took nearly 4 days for me to get here, it was still quite an adventure in itself. (And yes, I took pictures! As I will when I go home, too, so you all have that to look forward to later. XD) And well worth it.
More later, but for now, I'll be enjoying a lot of family time. ;3