Uh. Wha?

Jun 30, 2012 10:57

Last night around 2am, Zack & I heard a loud crash right outside our bedroom window. Yet another tree from the front yard fell down...and this time, it fell on top of part of our fence & broke it. (Which is impressive, considering it's a chain link fence and the tree wasn't THAT big. I was surprised it fell apart so easily!) This is kind of annoying, because the people we rent from just HAD some landscaping people out here a week ago (I think?) and had them remove the tree that had fallen over due to a storm over a month ago...it makes me wonder if something they did had knocked the tree loose by it's roots or something. *sigh* But anyway, I'm not really looking forward to having more people have to come by and fix crap. That's never fun.

On the plus side? I think my Goodwill luck/karma is starting to rub off on Zack, because he went idly browsing Goodwill the day after I did and came home with this for a whopping $2:

There's some cracks on the jewel case, but the discs are in amazing condition AND! It's a black-label and not a green "greatest hits" one.

Zack and I were both freaking out because WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DONATE THIS TO GOODWILL?! for starters. XD And for another, it being only $2 was an amazing steal, seeing as most places want close to $99 for a copy now. (I know our locally owned game store that sells vintage games has/had one for around $75, if I recall.) Zack actually already has a copy of this game, but my copy was stolen from me years ago at a convention (which is why I rarely bring video games to cons anymore)...and he was nice enough to trade it to me for the Skyrim embroidery piece that I was talking about recently. (Awwww ;___; ♥ ) So...yeah, that's pretty awesome. I dunno when I'll get around to playing it again (I just started re-playing Vagrant Story the other day, heh.) but it's pretty awesome to have a copy of it again!

Oh, and last night I was pleased to hear that someone I'd auditioned for a part in their original animation was very encouraging that they wanted to to audition for MORE parts in their work. XD (He basically was like "DO IITTTTTTT", lol!) That made me feel pretty awesome, won't lie. Hopefully I can get off my lazy butt and do it--I wouldn't mind trying out for more original stuff. Fandubs are fun, but you can only do so much with that.

*yawns* Ok, time to eat something.

photos, videogames, whoa scary, zack, whut, voice work, geekery, blowing money, life

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