There's this really cute blog called "
Sailor Moon Life", where someone had the idea to find things you could buy, make, or wear that are similar to things in the Sailor Moon series. I thought it was actually a pretty neat idea (I think I've mentioned it before, but I'm kind of a sucker for when a show puts out merch that looks like items from the actual show/series/ the "look a-likes" idea instantly got my attention XD) so I started to follow it. And low & behold, the owner of the blog found a
chicken-shaped alarm clock.
Why was that so significant? Well, in the series, Usagi has one. (
And it's pretty damn cute.) When I was a kid, I always thought it was super cute, and even though I love bunnies WAY more than chickens....I totally wanted one.
So when that post popped up on the blog, I kinda freaked out over how awesome that was. Then promptly dug into my A-kon money and ordered it. ^^;
I was a little nervous when I did, because the company I got it from was in China (and we all know that can be a bit of a gamble). But it actually arrived to me safe & sound, and it's now sitting happily on my shelf next to my bed:
I tried the alarm, and at first I was disappointed to hear that the alarm was some sort of exclamation/greeting in Chinese (I assume?). But then I noticed if you don't hit the alarm right away, it does start chirping like a bird! XD Not a cute little "peep peep" sound like Usagi's alarm clock, but hey...close enough, I guess? lol. (Not that I'd probably use the alarm feature much. I prefer the gentle "raindrops" alarm on my cell phone's alarm to wake me up. It's not too harsh or loud, so it doesn't startle me awake.)
So...yeah. Now I have a chicken alarm clock. Because of Sailor Moon.