Character: Chrona
Series: Soul Eater
Character Age: mid teensish
Canon: Did you ever wonder what it would be like if the grim reaper’s scythe was actually a human soul who volunteered for the job? How would they become it? Who would train them? How many of them would it take to handle the souls of everyone in the entire world? Well, that’s what Soul Eater is here to tell you, in the most epic way possible! With werewolves! And Frankenstein! And Medusa, Rasputin, Jack the Ripper, a zombie, some witches, the mafia, and the murderous personification of insanity! And also Chrona.
You see, Chrona is a bit of an oddity. The ambiguously-gendered child of an evil witch, this poor kid has gone through years of psychological abuse and magical experimentation with the ultimate purpose of being made into the perfect soul-sucking-sword-wielding killer. It's no wonder that he or she is a bit off in the head. But though outside of dear mother Medusa's magical influence Chrona is significantly saner and less likely to snap and go into genocide mode, his/her crippling negativity and social retardation still remain. Going much further than just disliking fighting, Chrona is totally terrified of interacting with people at all and has no idea how to even talk to them, so even though he/she is lonely and wants friends, Chrona is too shy and stuttery and scared of being scolded for doing it wrong to say much of anything to anyone other than the guy that lives in his or her blood-- though that’s another app altogether. So unless you're endangering one of his or her friends, feel free to assume Chrona will be cowering away from something unfamiliar, whining very depressingly to him/herself (most likely about not knowing how to do something), or taking pretty much any and all bullying and abuse with only the weakest of protestations, like any good pushover should.
As a note, Chrona is being taken from around chapters 23~24.
Sample Post:
Um, uh, hello? This is the r- reception desk, right? For the camp? I- I'm Chrona, and I think I'm supposed to meet my f- friend here... um, is anyone there? I even rang the little bell, but it was my first time ringing a little bell, so maybe I didn't know how to do it. I'll try again I guess, because I did it wrong probab- b- b- b- B- B- B- Bellape!
W- what do I dooo? A gorilla dressed like a bellhop came out of the back room, and I hid, and now I don't know what to doooo. I- it was all purple and scary, and I've never met a gorilla before. How do I deal with this? Are they all so scary? Do they all wear those tiny hats? I don't know how to act around a gorilla, I can't do it, I'll diiiiiieeee. This is almost worse than those creepy green people, all coming closer and mooooaaaaning, and I told them- I told them my blood is black, but they wouldn't listen and kept chewing on my head, all chompchompeugheww, and then suddenly they all just left grumbling about something being "too emo" for their tastes. Whatever that mean--
N- no! Don't open the lid, Mister Gorilla! I like it better in here, I feel safe inside Mister Dustbin. It's not- Ow! Stop it! Ow ow ow, that hurts! You've got to stop pulling me up by my nose or it'll stick like that forever and I'll have to breathe through my mouth all the time and then my throat will get all dry and I don't know what to do about having a dry throat so often. My hands would be too full carrying drinks to do anything, so cut it out alreadyyyy...
Whatever I did to annoy you I'm sorry, I just keep making everybody upset. Even the toucans took one look inside my head and curled up in a hole saying, "We wish we'd never been hatched." They’re right outside next to what's left of Miss Marcy's sign. I thought- I thought maybe she wanted to be my friend, but then she got all confused, and I'm not sure what "Don't Know If Want" means, but the sign she wrote it on really hurt when she was hitting me over the head with it. And even the little stars that popped up were kind of rude.
Don't- Don't twist my arm like that, it hurts! I don't know how to deal with an arm that's wrapped around my head, how am I supposed to use it like th- Augh, augh! My spine isn't supposed to bend that way! No, really, I mean it! I don't care if you're just doing your job, I didn’t do anything to be punished for and I don't want to "go to your room and think about what you've done to me," so put me doooooooown!
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