
Aug 25, 2008 07:26

Name: Chrona
Birthday: dunno \o/
Age: teenager, probably
Height: not very tall. 5'3" maybe?
Weight: "If I miss another meal, my ribs will start showing, Ragnarok!" ...yeah
Medical Info: Chrona has black blood. Other than that, normal until I get a Ragnarok.
Eyes: grey, I believe
Hair: pink, but sort of a greyish faded pink
Physical Features: thin, bad haircut, AMBIGUOUSLY GENDERED

What's Okay To Mention: Anything, really. I don't mind, though please think twice about spoilers and whether or not you REALLY want to be sharing them.

Abilities: Slight soul-reading abilities, mostly with souls he/she knows well. And some skill with a sword. I'll be essaying on Ragnarok and black blood stuff soon. Look for it if you're interested.

Notes for Psychics: PSYCHICS BEWARE. Chrona has no psychic abilities, but his/her thoughts are SO FREAKING DEPRESSING that a poem Chrona wrote made everyone who read it wish they had never been born. EVERYONE. You had better hope you can block Chrona's thoughts out somehow :DDD

Shapeshifting/Bodyswapping/Spitting at/Stepping on/Etc: Abuse away! Chrona will whine but not really fight back at first. If you keep going though, there could be yelling and maybe even punches.

Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: Feel free! Unless Chrona is used to you and likes you, there may be a minor freakout of confusion and nervousness but he/she actually likes it :|b Go go mother never allowing Chrona to be touched by another human being for 10+ years.

Maim/Murder/Death: Please check with me on this :( Without Ragnarok, Chrona can't defend him/herself well, and I'll probably say no to this except in special circumstances.

Emo/Angst/Drama: ...uh, Chrona is emo to the nth degree. Not actively whining all the time, but will do so when given an excuse to like being asked how he/she feels or is doing or anything along those lines.

Cooking: uh, probably something very basic. I don't see Medusa cooking for her kid or giving her anything good to cook for herself : \
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