so much better than studying, i don't even

Apr 23, 2012 21:45

I am lost without?
Affection and love, and whatnot. That sort of thing. When people do the whole being distant with me thing, it completely destabilizes me.

What do you find ugly?
People who don't seize opportunities and just... let life pass them by. You have only one life. Use it. You're healthy and young and wonderful and have so much to offer so WHY DO YOU JUST WATCH TV OR PLAY VIDEO GAMES ALL THE TIME. 

What change to your routine has saved you the most time?
Not wearing jammies-- you just wake up and put on some new clothes right away :D

What is the most useful thing you own?
Bypassing the whole phone/laptop ownership thing... I'd have to say my cargo pants. There is nothing like having all the pockets to put all the things in :D

What makes you tick?
It feels good when people tell me they're proud of me-- I don't like letting others down.

What is the worst advice you've ever received?
"It's just your imagination. Everything is fine. Just talk to her tomorrow."

What's something you need more of in your life?
Currently? Not being let down by people who are important to me.

What's a small miracle that has occurred in your life?
Breakdowns are fewer and more far between.

What's something that is truly unpredictable?
It's terrifying just how much they can change in a single day, week or month.

There's no excuse for?
Poor manners. Biggest turn off ever.

What a common happiness mistake people often make?
The easiest path is the best path. 
Sometimes it takes trucking through patches of unhappiness which leads to something worth it. Not many people realize that. Not many people are willing to work for it. 
Sometimes you have to work towards being happy. 
Doing things on impulse thinking you'll be happier for it? That's not how it works.

What must be experienced to be understood?
Heartbreak. It's something that you can only really, *really* understand when you're there. And you know when you're there.

What one thing you regret leaving unresolved?
Probably everything that happened between C and I. It's not much of a "regret" per se, so much as a... "I probably could have handled this better..."

When you truly love someone, you don't...?
Give up. 
You just don't.

What's 1 essential ingredient found in all healthy relationships?

What instantly makes a person unattractive?
Bad manners. Being a rabid, radical person.

What's one priceless lesson you learned from a mistake?
Choose your battles and be careful how you respond. You can win a fight by what you say, but that can cost you everything.

How would you describe the last month of your life in one word?
Better than this whole shit of a year has been.

What's a simple way to make a stranger smile?
Smile at them first.

What's something everyone should know how to do?
Speak properly.

What is the best part of your average day?
Having some room to breathe. Seeing my friends.

What do you see everywhere you go?
Her. Everywhere.

What is the top source of heartache in your life?

What will you never put up with?
The kind of people who are rabidly against the SPVM, throw rocks at them first, taunt them, and then complain when the police fight back. 
Really people? Really?

I would never be friends with someone who...
reeked of arrogance

I have a weakness for...
girls with a pretty smile

What has changed in your life in the past year?
Too much.

What do most people take for granted?
My patience. 
There's only so much of it that goes around.

My life would be a lot different without...
having moved from Florida to here, when I did.

What do you always look forward to?
Nothing anymore, really.

What's something that always leaves you wanting more?
Delicious food.

In one sentence, how would you describe your relationship with your best friend?

What's something everyone should do more often?
Stop acting on impulse, and try to understand why they're feeling those impulses in the first place.

What's something that is important to you that you rarely talk about? 
How I feel about most things. I'm not a fan of talking about my feelings. Unless drunk, I suppose.

What do you admire most about your significant other?

What do you hope is different in your life at this time next year?
I'll actually be happy. Hopefully accepted in grad school.

When you look back over the past year, what moment stands out?
So many. 
Hiking up a blasted MOUNTAIN in the rain, trying to protect scrapbooks form being wet.

What is a common cause of unhappiness?
Fear. People let fear and uncertainty get in the way of how they live. It's a damn shame.

What's something that will always be yours?
I'm not sure.

What habit do you wish you had developed earlier in life?
Trusting my gut more.

What's something that is easier for you than other people?

What's something everyone should be able to say before they die?
Well that's a short list of regrets.

What's one great thing that's free?
A smile.

How would you describe your ideal life in one one sentence?
Being loved. Really loved. With an amazing girl, and having awesome kids and a puppy. 
And working as a forensic entomologist nbd whatevs.

What would make your life happier?
Materialistically? Money for travel. 
Emotionally? Trusting people more again.

I am happiest when...
The sun is shining and there's a cool breeze. 
Laughing about ridiculous things with friends.
I do well.
I make others proud.

What is there no substitute for?
Being in love. 
When you're in it and you've felt what that's like, you can't find it again so easily. 
It's a rare kind of chemical high.

What ruins relationships?
Fear. Lack of faith in the other person.

What's something that doesn't last forever?
Physical aptitude.

What should you make time to do every day?
Getting a hug from someone/giving a hug to someone.

What's something that is hard to forget?

What's something that easily distracts you?
I'm not sure there's any one thing that distracts me more. I am easily de-railed but by anything that strikes me as interesting.

What have you had the urge to do lately?
Toss up between punching something or drinking.

If you were to die at midnight, what would you be doing at 11:45?
Writing a "what not to do in life" list for my offspring/grand-offspring/family/friends.

If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?
If we worked together like ants or termites or bees, instead of FIGHTING OVER ABSOLUTELY *EVERYTHING* YOU COULD POSSIBLY FIGHT FOR (honestly, half the time, it's like you're *looking* for reasons so fight), then we could accomplish something truly great. 
Tiny termites and build gigantic mounds that loom over us. 
What do you think we could build if we worked together?

What memory will you cherish for the rest of your life?
That one night in the park, it drizzled and we were trapped up in the slide.

What makes friendship last a lifetime?
It's hard to say. Depends on how strong that bond is. Some people you can go months without talking to them, and still be just as close as if you saw them yesterday.

What's your #1 tip for being happy?
Stay grounded.

What's something many people mistakenly assume about you?
I'm much younger than I actually am.

What word best describes the way you've spent the past year of your life?

Where do you find strength?
I look to insects for inspiration though; it's all about ecdysis.

What's an important relationship truth that people often forget?
Sometimes... people just let you down so much. 
But despite that, despite that, you can't let it stop you. You have to go out on a limb and keep trying. 
Otherwise, you'll spend your days a miserable wretch.

I need to practice______ more often.

What makes you feel complete?
I don't feel that complete as of late.

What's a simple truth people often forget?
Treat others the way you want to be treated.

What I need most right now is_____
Someone telling me it'll be okay.

What's the #1 trait that makes a person attractive?
It's hard to say. It's usually a vibe I get from someone. Some kind of spark that makes me intrigued by them. The rest kinda follows.
But it definitely helps if she has a great smile.

What do you always try to avoid?
Hurting others.

What has the last year taught you about yourself?
Love is a bitch and I don't know if I can do this again-- in a more serious capacity, I mean. It'll be a while. A really, really long while.

What is something that you have grown to appreciate more as you've grown older?

In one sentence, how would you describe your relationship with your father?
Unique-- we're an odd pair, but we understand each other very well.

What was your life like exactly ten years ago?
Holy shit, I was still living in Florida then.

What type of person inspires you?
Ambitious people. It doesn't have to be a crazy ambition like wanting to be a doctor or astronaut-- but just generally being passionate about something. 
Passion is really attractive. 
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