Just woke up

Oct 31, 2007 23:10

Didn't go to the movie. Instead, I fell asleep at 10-something this morning, got up briefly around 4PM, and then went back to bed.

On the up-side, my sinuses are no longer packed. I'm still feeling dopey, though. May have to resort to medicine after all.

Aaaaaannd... I think I just might curl up on the couch and have a nap. Yes, already. *headdesk*

It's cold in here, dang it.

ETA: I learned something strange today. Gord is afraid of my mother's farts. Yes, you read that correctly. Gord was curled up beside her in bed and she had a growler, and he fled in terror. All puffed up, even. Even funnier than you think - she's been trying to convince me of this fact for about a week now.

Best part? He seemed really bewildered to find himself tucked behind a cabinet by the bedroom door. I went over to him and he actually HISSED at me, which is pretty rare. Now he's refusing to hang out in The Mum's room, and is occupying the armchair and looking kind of jumpy.

tired, funny, wondergord!, opiate of the masses?, celluloid fantasies, the kinfolk are restless tonight, go to sleep already, sick again
