More Weird Dreams

Nov 27, 2007 04:55

More dreams!
This dream started off with Mom and I visiting England for some reason. Perhaps just to see the sites. We'd heard in a local town that we were visiting about a girl who had recently died in a very tragic way- either from an accident or illness. We weren't sure. We were trying to raise money for the family or in her memory for some future project or scholarship. It was a very strange way for us to go about it, though. We set up a road block at the crossroads of a very narrow walking path. The path we were blocking led to the house of the girl, her family, and everyone who walked past it would see a memorial on an easel to the girl- complete with pictures, wreaths, and a collection jar where people could put money.

We were sitting their guarding the easel when all of a sudden a group of thugs came by. Mom and I hid behind it so that they would not be able to see us. They didn't see us at all, but ended up stealing the money. They didn't trash the easel or steal anything else. They just stole the money. We were really disappointed and decided it was time to move on from what we were doing.

We ended up going to have services with a number of the brethren in Britain- it was a fairly sizable group with probably about a hundred people in all. Only when services started and we started watching a sermon video, it was horrendous. The young people weren't wearing proper Church clothing, there were two footballers making out during services and a number of young people making out elsewhere. It was such a horrendous sight, people not even caring that they were in the presence of God. They were simply defaming Him and His church with their behavior. (Why did I dream this???)

Shortly after that I left, feeling pretty horrendous. Somehow Mom and I split up for a bit. I think that we were riding on the same bus, but we got different seats and were sitting in different areas. I was close to the front, but I don't know where she was. Anyway, I was sitting by myself when a new group of people got on the bus and one of them took a seat next to meet, with the others taking seats before and behind me. I had not realized that I had isolated myself so much. They were all wearing similar jackets and I knew that they were all together. They all started speaking with English accents, and for some reason it was so exciting to me that I forgot a lot of my misery. We were in England but their English accents were new and surprising. When I asked if they were English the one sitting next to me laughed and said, "Of course!" Then all of his friends started laughing, but it wasn't very pleasant. I felt very much like they were laughing at my foolishness instead of laughing with me. Out of no where I heard this overlaid announcer's voice saying, "Because Karen doesn't know it but Brian (the guy sitting next to me,) is actually from America!" and it was completely natural for me to hear this voice, while they were still laughing but in the dream I acted like I hadn't heard anything. They certainly hadn't because they weren't acting strange or anything. It was simply that I had an insight that none of them knew I knew about, and it suddenly made me very sad and angry that they had treated me this way.

We stopped for a restroom break under a magnificent looking stone arch, which was apparently the norm for the road we were traveling. Only the arch was only one part of a long wall which contained a small shopping center and rest area. We went to the bathrooms which were decorated incredibly cutely, only to run into a number of maids. Mom was with them! I was more surprised that she was there and at what she was wearing than the fact that she wasn't with me on the bus. I saw her and said, "Mom?!" and she just looked up the same way she would if we had been sitting together for a while and suddenly said, "Hey!" She didn't look embarrassed or surprised to see me or anything. I really don't think that was a state of undress for them, either. It was simply their uniform. Another woman came after a moment and started to direct my mom, making it look like my mom was in training for some kind of cleaning job... End of that dream!

This time I was with April, running around a Walmart of all things trying to take wedding pictures. I guess I was supposed to be in the wedding party or something. For a little while it was just the two of us and then Eric Breedlove showed up, looking unshaven and unkempt but otherwise dressed for a wedding. He was not the groom, just another member of the wedding party. So we started lining up behind one of those acrylic/elastic barriers for partioning long lines, only the thing was not wrapped around in a curvy way. It was just one long straight line. We were all standing behind it and waiting for the pictures to start while April was running around directing people, firmly but not Bridezilla. Her mom was also running around taking a hand in things. I looked away for a second, perhaps talking to Eric, and then all of a sudden when I looked up again there were another twenty people in line, at least. It was more like 30 or 40 and all stretched out in one long, long line of people, not staggered or anything. We were all just standing there, adjusting our clothing or whatever and then I thought to myself, "I guess the photographer is just going to use a panoramic lense for this shot..." End of that one!

Just a simple dream of having a picnic as Mrs. Darcy. I look over and Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth) is smiling this really boyish smile at me. Then I see, from his perspective, my teeth which are not my teeth, but someone else's really, really nice teeth. And he is just thinking, "Oh wow. Those teeth are so perfect! I LOVE them!" Then he sticks his finger out toward my mouth and starts rubbing chapstick on my lip. I'm sitting there, letting him, kind of weirded out, and thinking, "Uhm... Okay, I guess this is supposed to be romantic and affectionate."


At one point I looked up and, just for a flash, Darcy had a beard. It was so strange! Then a second later, no beard. The beard transformed his entire face. Mr. Firth, please say no to beards!

Doing laundry. When I hang it up to dry (our drier is broken,) I will be heading back to O'Ho's for more grad school apps. I went to the gym today for the first time in weeks. It was awesome! I would like to drop about ten pounds before heading to Cinci, just to tone up a bit and drop some of the fat that I gained since working at Gap. Urgh, part of the reason I dropped that job was so that I could start going back to the gym. I'm trying to get back into the habit of eating breakfast before work, even if that means getting up at 3:30 to give myself time to do it.

Speaking of 3:30... I went to bed at 18:00 last night! That or 18:30. I was in bed before 7:00PM. And I slept the night through until 1:30 when I had to pee. I went back to sleep pretty easily, though, and slept until 4:00. It was actually really nice, and I wasn't tired at all this morning. I guess it's back to 7:00PM and 8:00PM bedtimes. For some reason, this whole time, my internal clock has not reset. It still wants to sleep until 7:00 or 8:00AM. This is definitely problematic. X(

Note to self, call Mary and remind her that if they need extra help at the Roaster to call me!

april, coffee, dream, britain, mr. darcy, mom, time, pride and prejudice, gym, sleep, breedlove, work, colin firth, church

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