Rockin' Live in Cinci

Jul 29, 2007 11:51

I managed to check the timing of my posts one day randomly, and apparently the past few weeks I have been unable to post on Wednesday or Thursday. I guess the actual tendency is that nothing happens on Monday or Tuesday so I post about the weekend then, and the come and post on Friday about what's happened on Wednesday and Thursday. Perhaps the same is true now.

It's been a busy past few days/weeks.

First let me start by saying that I am actually at the Home Office in Cincinnati, OH right now, hanging out with Church friends and on the whole having a good time. Forgive any spelling mistakes you might see because I'm on a different keyboard and it's a little confounded.

What has happened in the past few weeks? Well... here goes:

approved for eye surgery- August 6th, I will be having non-essential, cosmetic eye surgery for my right eyelid. It's gonna get lifted about 2.5 mm so that my eyes will match, and hopefully I will see a little better. In all honesty the difference between the strength of my eyes is so small that it's negligible but something about the eyelid itself... if I wake in the morning and am still very tired, I seem to look like I've been punched in the face. It gets really swollen. I had someone ask me once if I'd been stung by a bee. I think I handled my reaction really well at the time, but now I have the opportunity and the insurance is going to pay for it- so why not? I mean, yes, it's cosmetic, but it's not a boob-job so why not go for it? (and that will be the only time that you should ever hear me refer to that part of a woman's anatomy as such.)

catdoo's bro returned home- The police found him about eight miles from the house on a main road, pretty much collapsed from exhaustion and brought him home. The next day (Wednesday) was, understandably, tense but by the evening everyone seemed to be fine. I am sure that his parents are going to use the opportunity of me not being around to speak with him. He's fine physically, but there seems to be a lot of emotional duress. The good thing is that he is surrounded by people who love and care about him, and have the resources to help him. For having to be in this situation he is in the best possible manner of it.

ahappygoluckyme and I see Dr. Zhivago- Wow, what an incredible movie. It's definitely not going on my favorite's list anytime soon, but the experience of seeing it in such an amazing theatre ( was very powerful. The movie itself was incredibly depressing; the scene with Lara and her sugar daddy where he very nearly rapes her, only then she enjoys (?!) it?! What on earth?! And the entire thing was so long. All of the adultery and depression. Bah, I can't believe it. It was fun seeing it with Eric though. We had too-salty popcorn, and intermission, and chased some pigeons around. They are showing Mary Poppins on Sunday if anyone is interested.

Harry Potter- I saw the 5th movie and read the 7th book. No spoilers on either, just in case you haven't read them, but I think I would go as far as to say that they are both my favorite in either series now. Hurrah! I will say that JK Rowling knows how to please her fans. When I stop to consider the things that I would have liked to see happen, everything that she did was on that list. I was so happy and pleased. I think the only thing that I didn't like was how slow it was for a while after they left Grimmauld Place. And that's all I'll say. (finished Friday afternoon)

(resumed Sunday)
Louisville- The ABC chorale was performing a song service for the Louisville congregation and I tagged along. It was really really wonderful- one of the best days I've had in a while. Mr. Johnson, who I look forward to meeting next year, gave a very fantastic sermon on spiritual maturity compared with physical maturity and how age is based on personal characteristics rather than years on your life. The music performed was fantastic. I really, really enjoyed it all. I also got to see Karen Sutherland for a few hours and Ginger and Doug as well. But mostly Karen. Vince and Melissa, for those of you unawares, are engaged now. Seriously- something in the water is causing all of these people to get married. Oh well, Becca's marriage takes priority!! :P

HBHaus- We went again last night after going to Louisville for services with the chorale. I had an enjoyable time when I was just dancing around, "Ziggy zaggy ziggy zaggy! Oy oy oy!!" and listening to "Sweet Caroline" and stuff... But I guess I was hoping for too much. Some of the people were getting crazy- some of the people in our group were getting crazy and looking back, I am pretty disappointed by them. I just decided to leave, though, when Amber P. was heading out. Poor dear wasn't feeling well to begin with, but she was a trooper.

Brazil- I'm going to Brazil!! And by that I mean that I am moving into a townhouse that is referred to as Brazil by all of the inhabitants. It's going to be great, guys! I am looking forward to it!

brazil, lj, catdoo, harry potter, ericb, birmingham, abc2007, hofbrauhaus, abc2008, church, movies

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