Kroko Mail Get!

Jan 30, 2006 22:45

Well, all my mail/cam problems from the past week are now fixed! YAY! I guess it was an ISP problem, as everyone else in the neighborhood was having problems too. We all have the same cable/internet provider, which is builtin to every house here. Well, at least it's fixed, so yayness!

Back to normal activiities. Sadly, I was let go from Super Target at the beginning of January. They said that the couldn't afford the payroll for the seasonal workers past January, so no more working kroko. I'll probably go back there later on, as dad's bitching that I should look for something again. Besides that, I've been drawing on and off for a while. Still been working on a colored DandyXSalamander pic for the past 2 months now. So much details I keep putting in it. I'm sure everyone'll love it when it's done.. IF i'll ever get done. I only wish that I can do hi-quality work quickly. I just take to freakin' long with it. XD

Besides that, I was able to obtain a cute little crocodile backpack at the mall last week. The pocket for it is small, enough to fit a DS and some other small stuff. Just think of those cute Pikachu backpacks girls wear at anime conventions. :P I also got myself Sonic Heroes and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle this month, as I was in a Sonic mood lately. Mmm...Vector.. Speaking of hunky crocodiles, I drempt of Dandy last night. I reborn'ed him from my Talispod and we became friends. I hung out his bar a lot too. Sweet guy. I even asked him if Sala-chan was really his boyfriend, and he said yes and no....whatever that meant. I wish Sala was in the dream. ^___^ *loves da punkish pyrolizard* Maybe next time. :)

dansala, legendz

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