Random Statements Incoming:

Feb 17, 2005 10:10

- Finally got myself Katamari Damacy a month ago, and it IS as much fun as everyone says it is. Also obtained Metroid Prime 2, Zelda: Minish Cap, and Classic Zelda II for GBA. I still have the habit of not playing or finishing the games I've bought. This was unthinkable with my older systems. >.<

- I really should make a new LJ icon. Have this one up for several years now. :P

- I'm glad that all my old hardware works my new computer now, including my printer and scanner. Yayness.

- Kroko is finishing up college now. This is my last semester, and all I have to do is an internship. I'm doing that in my school's art museum in March, helping out with the student art show. Just 4 full days and that's it! :D

- Malibu arcade's under new management and has a new second arcade where the old anime club used to meet years ago. It has all brand-new games, a sports bar and billiard tables. What I love the most is Donkey Kong/DK Jr./Mario Bros. 3-in-1 arcade cabinet and PercussionFreaks 7th Mix. I haven't played the original Donkey Kong arcade game in years, and having this here's made coming to the arcade more fun. PercussionFreaks/Drummania seems to be fun too, though I have to bring my own stool to sit in, as the chairs there are too short and the bar stools there are too tall. >.< I need to get back to playing DDR. I haven't been playing it constantly like I used to in a year now. Barely can pass Heavy 8 songs without getting tired out. >.< And when is that beach arcade getting IIDX RED? *pouts*

- ...Um. I thought I had more randomness than this. Oh, well...*disappears*

school, arcades, bemani

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