Sep 29, 2006 16:11
I dropped the ball with the ole el jay here. I'd like to get back into posting my ramblings here simply because I think it helps me clear my thoughts. I figure that by posting here, I'm reducing the number of esoteric and half-baked thoughts that twirl around in my head like autumn leaves on an evening breeze.
Anyway. My life is going on as always. Senior year has started in The Curse (which is the name we decided upon), and I really can't complain. The four of us guys really work well together. It's a shame Guy and I opted out of living there last year since I think it would have been a good experience for all of us. Nonetheless, here we are. I genuinely like these guys, and so far so good. I'm even cooking for myself, which is surprisingly easy. I usually just cook up some frozen veggies or something nice and easy and call it good. Maybe someday in the future I'll move on to actually cooking my food, which is doubtful.
Classes are...interesting. I'm starting the first round of tests this week with one in Analyzing Politics Monday and one in Probability over Nobel. The anal. pol. test shouldn't be too bad, and neither should the probability test. I'm just worried that as things pile up, I won't be able to keep up with the heavy load of reading, writing, and math that I'm in now. But then again, next semester won't be much easier...I just have to force myself to make good use of my time as often as possible. So far so good. Just keep it up, Eric.
Family stuff = blah, like usual. That's pretty much all there is to say about that.
Girl issues are also blah.
That's all I got. It's hard to get back into the style and panache I'm used to writing with after a vacation. Don't worry, reader, I'll fall back into my old style before you can say "Eric was a bad writer to begin with".