All the things that I can do

Aug 27, 2009 22:21

You ever have one of those days where nothing's going right? I had one tonight where I started out being 15 minutes late to leave for something due to poor planning then annother 8 minutes late becuase the metro is LAME (okay they are trying to fix the tracks from the crash in June and I respct the safety aspect but lord it's frustrating when you already late) and then on top of that annother 20 minutes late becuase I got lost on foot in gallery place. (I reufse to call that neigboorhood Chinatown. There's nothing remotly chinese about Chipolte and 5 guys with some chinese lettering on the signs that don't translate into anything)


So yeah I was feeling really angry at myself becuase this was only the second time today I was late to something important due to being scatterbrained and generally unskilled at managing my time properly. And I was going on and on about it to my ever patient and sainted Mr C. and he suggested I come up with some of things that I am good at so I can remember that I am not completly incompetent waste of a person which is what I kept telling myself.

I think this is a good exercise to remind yourself of all the things I can do. And that many of these things didn't come without some hard work.

I can read and understand some Hebrew, mostly prayers                
I can write and lead religious services for Shabbat
I can make tomato sauce, chicken stock and salad dressings from scratch. I'd say I'm a pretty good cook. I've made really amazing cheesecake too.
I can host a fantastic dinner party on less than 24 hour's notice.
I can perform a catch on swinging trapeze
I can do about a routine's worth of intermediate skills on static trapeze
I can guess the plotlines to most hollywood films just by looking at the trailer (although this ahas less to do with me and more to do with hollywood)
I can wtfpwnbbqsuace on my  undead mage
I can tank with the best of them on my druid and pick up tank mid fight
I can manage my money repsonsibly and live debt free.
I can do full splits, touch my feet to my head and do a standing scorpion pose (well I'm a bit out of practice on those but could do them)
I can get a 1280 on my GRE
I can get into a Masters of Libray Science Program. In fact I just did. Classes start next week..
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