Oh where have I been? let's see here
- I became an aunt to the cutest baby on the planet. No hyperbole, she's a little darling. Mr. C and I joke this will be our practice kid since we live nearby and can enjoy lots of the fun parts of being an aunt and uncle. We've agreed not to have kids for at least another couple of years but (and feel free to cringe and throw tomatoes at me for saying this) but I am completly charmed by the sight of him holding the baby. Okay mushy confessions over. Moving along.
- I took my GRE's and rocked them like a hurrcane. I had not expected to do as well on the math sections, I ended up getting about 100 points higher in math than I had expected to based on my practice exams. I guess it was adrenaline, or hard work or maybe some kind of math angel sitting on my shoulder. In any case I'll take it.
- I decided to go ahead and apply for grad school in Masters in Library Science. I'm going to be librarian, which I think fits my personality better than the whole marketing/communications track that I've been on thus far. I think I like it when people come to me and want me to help them vs marketing/communications, which always seems to boil down to trying to get people to do stuff for you. With the economy in the toliet it makes sense to hide out in academia for a little while.
- Did I mention that the TSNY Trapeze School moved to DC? OMGSQUEEEBBQSAUCE!!!111!!! Takes all of my willpower not to blow my meager and dwindling funds on trapeze/lyra/silks classes. Must go back soon.
- Despite my Scarlett O'Hara esque promise at the tender age of 15 that as god as my witness I'd never weed a garden again. I tried planting a garden in my backyard. have thus far harvested some parsley and basil and one half rotted tomato. It's been an exceptionally wet June so I don't know how well my jalapenos are faring and my tomatoes plants are kind of limping along.
- Have been baking up a storm. I made a really killer chocolate-mocha cheesecake and tres leches cake for my sister in law's baby shower and another super awesome strawberry sponge cake with cream cheese frosting. C gave me some cooking classes for Christmas and I lost the gift certificate for a few months (FAIL) so I finally found it and signed up for knife skills class which was fun. I am taking a biscuit class in August.
- My parents visited with their new dog Sadie and despite many fears of a kind of WW3 type of fight between Arthas, the two got along like white on rice and spent much time wrestling and roughhousing with each other. My parents were quite surprised that Arthas is a tenacious little booger and refused to hide in a closet until she was gone. How much we all underestimate the iron will of the Lich kitten.