Eighth Spool of Thread-[Action/Voice]

May 03, 2009 14:21

[Again, Shiki's sitting on her designated soapbox outside of All Passions, just enjoying the sun with Mr. Mew in her lap. She's busy watching everybody walk by, recognizing some unfamiliar faces as new feathers]So far we haven't had as many new feathers as last month. Is anybody keeping track of an average number at all? Either way, hey New ( Read more... )

hanging at the shop, mr mew's my bff, all passions, action, voice, hi new feathers, eight

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[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 3 2009, 21:38:30 UTC
You are one that works at the clothing shop, All Passions?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 3 2009, 21:39:47 UTC
I'm the one who started it all. I'm Shiki.


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 3 2009, 21:40:53 UTC
I see. I am Arashi. It is a pleasure to meet you, Shiki-san. I may require your assistance, if I may ask that of you.


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 3 2009, 21:41:40 UTC
Nice to meet you too, Arashi. What can we do for you?


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 3 2009, 21:47:46 UTC
I do not know if it will be of too much difficulty. But would it be possible for you to make attire suited for a miko?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 3 2009, 21:54:25 UTC
A miko...as in a priestess?


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 3 2009, 22:00:16 UTC
Yes. You are familiar with the term... Are you from Japan?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 3 2009, 22:02:21 UTC
Yeah...I'm from Shibuya.

Is that part of your Japan at all? [she's hesitant to ask, but she's finding that some people are from different "versions" of Japan]


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 3 2009, 22:28:48 UTC
Oh, it is. I am from Ise, but moved to Tokyo. Shibuya is familiar to me. [Shiki's the first person besides her canonmates to know anything intimate about a Japan at all.]


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 3 2009, 22:31:19 UTC
Oh! That makes more sense then. [Likewise; she's had a few discussions with some of the Persona kids, but nothing like this] Have you been here long? I don't think I've seen you before now.


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 3 2009, 22:42:27 UTC
Almost a month. Not very long compared to some others... And yourself?

If you are from Shibuya, it is no surprise you are interested in clothes and fashion.


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 3 2009, 22:46:01 UTC
I think it's been about three months now. I know it was right before Valentine's Day. But you're right, a month's not very long. Are you doing okay so far?

Yeah, that's what a few others have said. I've always wanted to start my own line so when I got here, it just seemed perfect.


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 00:01:31 UTC
Yes, so far I believe I am adjusting as best I can. There is still much to learn about this place.

It seems you are doing well yourself. So it is your passion then, making clothes. The name of your shop is very fitting. Did you begin designing clothes while back in Shibuya as well?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 4 2009, 00:06:43 UTC
Luceti's a mysterious place isn't it? But it's not impossibly to learn about at least.

Yup, probably my favorite thing ever is designing and sewing. Actually all three of us who work here really enjoy it, so it's incredibly fitting. I was designing on and off back in Shibuya. I made a lot of my own clothes and clothes for my friend too, but nothing like what I've been doing here.


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 00:16:46 UTC
I agree. It is also interesting to learn about other worlds. I had not known before that other versions of Japan had existed, and one similar to mine.

Oh, you do not work alone, although you must be quite skilled at your craft. Who else assists you at the shop? What other types of clothes have you been designing?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 4 2009, 00:20:59 UTC
I didn't know about other worlds either. Everybody's homes sound so different. It's incredible.

Thanks, but yes, I've got my two friends working with me. Sally and Kanji help me out a lot; they're both really skilled too, I was impressed. Mostly what's being designed is things from all of the different worlds. A lot of things are requests we get from people but a lot of standard stuff is made too. Mostly the main purpose was to make clothes to accommodate the wings. Right now since summer's close I'm working on a swimsuit line and summer dresses and shorts and stuff like that.


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