(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 14:31

um, a few things:
1. I can't find brittany, I think she may have left me at school. That would suck seeing as how....
2. My cell phone is shut off, which means I a. need to borrow money to get it back on b. my potential job prospects can't get a hold of me and c. I can't call anyone to find out how the hell I'm getting home.
3. Jeremy lowe is a scum bag, and I now am in debt to him for 700 dollars, which is bogus in so many ways, but guess I will have to deal with that on account of "taking responsibility for my actions", though it's a bit ironic, doing that for someone who has done everything but to grant me that courtesy.
4. No, my cat is not dead. She is just fine, and I am very grateful for that. Ringling kids are idiots when i comes to rumors. Get your story straight, or least don't just make up whatever one you feel like.
5. my boyfriend effin rules. Like seriously...R-U-L-E-SSSSSS
6. The same goes for my roomates, they kick ass and I like having ryan bailey in the casa.
7. School is going pretty decent, I feel confident right now in that I am learning what I need to and feel generally on top of things.
8. If anyone wants to give me money, that'd be cool, cause I am still income-less, and it is scary and sucky.

the end.
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