(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 13:27

so yeah...I know that chillzilla "life is going pretty good" thing couldn't last for too long. I returned a phone call to my store manager today only to be informed that the store I work as is closing...permenantly....and right now as I type this. No weeks, months, days notice. Only some hollow empty worthless "promise" of being able to be transfered. Yeah, ten people? and thanks, but I don't have a car, thus why I work at the store I work at, idiots. This isn't the first time Barnies corporate has done something amazingly dishonest and shitty to people that work for them, and i highly doubt it will be the last. I am utterly disgusted, maybe more at the fact we expected them to do this to us. It has changed, vastly and in a very short amount of time, my view about corporate america. I could really go on and on and ooonnn about this little subject that's been thrust into my lap, but I don't feel like typing, this keyboard is loud, and I would rather be out looking for a new job. Bottom line is though, barnies coffee and tea company is one of the most disgusting vile and disgraceful companies ever to exist on the fact of the planet. Please don't ever buy anything from them, and for the love of god, don't ever work for them. That is of course unless you like getting reamed in the ass without any fair warning.
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