Sep 26, 2004 16:52
"im just not as happy as used to be and maybe if we could try taking a break for a little while, and see how that goes"
rubes915: haha just dont resort to food cuz then youll get fat like me
theHEATisON454: but the real thing you gotta worry about if you start eating is that youll turn in to ME!
misfit680: allie dont take advice from ruby and heaton.....they dont know what they are talking dont want to eat to much because you dont want to end up like me.....really really fat
eS isTheB3stPart: haha wow. you're taking advice from those 3 losers? damn. they dont know shit about eating.... Here, take my advice. Stuff your face. Eat as much as you want, but after every meal, just puke. Thats what i do, and it works like magic.
dEEvb29: allie shut up you're already fat as it is
? fantastic friends i have right ?