let's party like we're still fifteen because life wasn't so hard then [party]

Aug 26, 2016 21:04

12 Grimmauld Place hadn't ever looked so festive before. Streamers were lingering in the exposed beams, fashioned Hogwart House crests were in their own separate rooms- the Slytherin crest up in the attic, where he was absolutely sure a ghoul was hanging out- and food and drinks set up in nearly every room he could stuff them into. Thank Merlin ( Read more... )


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open hermioneee August 27 2016, 01:39:22 UTC
After several careful days of planning, Hermione was sure to leave her ministry office in order to get home in time to dress up for the occasion. She had even tried on her old uniform the other night to prepare. She was going to be on time this time. That night she had pulled her old Hogwarts uniform on, she noticed the material fit very snuggly across her chest... more than she remembered it ever fitting in school. She could barely whip her wand out fast enough after a short whistle from Ron. Rolling her eyes, she used a little charm to loosen the fibers to a more comfortable fit. Tonight, her clothes slid on like she bought them for herself yesterday.

Once ready, and not entirely sure where Ron was at the moment, she left a note by their usual spot next to the door, and disapparated with a turn of her foot.

Arriving at Harry's, she let herself in because she's Hermione.


Re: open whythespiders August 27 2016, 03:12:49 UTC
Ron was, of course, running late. He'd been doing that more and more lately. It was an unfortunate side effect of the war they were all trying to pretend didn't exist for the night ( ... )


Re: open hermioneee August 27 2016, 03:34:17 UTC
"Double noted," she said smirking and placing a finger on her temple. Maybe, just maybe, if he asked for something like that when they were alone she'd grant it, but there was absolutely no way she'd wear something that tight out for a night with her friends.

Her eyes went up and down the love her life, "Oh, Ronald, have you grown?" Her hand went to his wrist where his sleeve was too short, and her eyes noted his ankles through his Gryffindor-themed socks where his pants should have been. Well, nearly everyone looked a bit disheveled- though most had one thing in common: too tight and too short.

Her thumb massaged his hand, and noticed that he was looking a bit tired. It did seem like he had been working nearly as much as her lately. She didn't pry too much, knowing everything that he was probably handling, and they tried not to talk "shop" at home.

"What kept you?" She asked in an innocent enough tone, "I was getting a touch worried, as Harry seemed to make it here in time."


Re: open whythespiders August 27 2016, 03:59:13 UTC
Ron huffed a laugh, feeling himself start to relax. He probably should have taken a power nap - was that a thing? - before coming out but that would have created more questions he wasn't ready to answer.

He slid his wrist up in her grip until his fingers could catch around hers. As stressed as he might be, Hermione always had a way of getting to him and putting some of the tension from him, even when he was trying not to give her too many details.

It would be infuriating if he didn't love her so much since before he even knew that's what it was.

"I hit that extra growth spurt. Full on drained me. Slowed me down." He clicked his tongue.


Re: open hermioneee August 27 2016, 04:07:10 UTC
Hermione laughed in the way that only Ron could make her- sort of through her nose in a way she usually hates unless it's around him. "Must be," and she placed a light kiss on the back of his hand. They weren't at all the big PDA couple, but they had been noticeably more affectionate in the last few months. No matter how crazy they drove each other, they had each other. Simple as that.

"Well, I think we need to get you and I a drink and get on his level," Hermione said nodding in Neville's direction, who had his school tie around his head and helped himself to the kitchen.


Re: open whythespiders August 27 2016, 04:22:10 UTC
"I don't know if we can ever get on his level," Ron pointed out but turned toward where Hannah had set up drinks. (At least he was assuming it was Hannah. Who else would have been able to put this much food and alcohol together?)

"Neville is his own... He's Neville." It was almost like being back at Hogwarts before things went crazy. Sort of. Maybe that was the point.

Though it's not like Ron would have walked hand-in-hand anywhere with Hermione back then because he was an idiot and emotionally stunted. Some things sort of changed. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek anyway.

"This was a good idea." They definitely all needed this. He'd probably forget to tell Harry that but Hermione would remember. That's why she was his better half at least half the time.


Re: open hermioneee August 27 2016, 04:37:57 UTC
Her heart completely melted whenever Ron did the small, sweet things like little kisses on the cheek. Hermione would absolutely agree that Ron has shown much emotional growth since their schooldays, but there was something really nice about standing around in their uniforms, holding hands, and being sweet on each other. It was sort of like a daydream come true.

"Huh, Harry with a good idea. Who would have guessed?"

With that, Hermione's eyes danced around the drink offerings. "Well. What am I in the mood for tonight?"


Re: open whythespiders August 27 2016, 18:02:44 UTC
"Certainly, not me," Ron intoned with as much fake sincerity as he could muster. He should really be getting awards for all the acting he'd been doing lately.

Ron hummed in uncertainty as he gave the drinks a once over. Just about anything you could ask for was there. He was stuck somewhere between straight whiskey (a necessity recently) or taking it easy.

What a conundrum.

"How nostalgic are we feeling tonight? There's the butterbeer stand by. Good throw back."


Re: open hermioneee August 27 2016, 18:30:55 UTC
With every possible drink she could imagine, and quite frankly a number she couldn't possibly have imagined, she was taken slightly aback at Ron's tame choice. It was only a few years ago she was wondering if she'd have to plot an intervention of sorts between Ron and Harry. She loved being pleasantly surprised by him.

"Excellent choice," she said grabbing one and handing it off to Ron, and then taking one for herself. "It really does bring me back. It makes me want to grab a book and brood about you in some corner of the commons." she nudged him a bit with her hip.


Re: open whythespiders August 27 2016, 22:46:20 UTC
Ron had to admit, he liked getting one of those pleased little grins from Hermione. A couple years back, Ron and Harry had both been in the middle of some shitty spiral that was leading dangerously close to alcoholism.

It wasn't quite like that now, not now that there was a so obvious cause for them to be behind. And Ron was knee deep in a possible profession that gave him more than enough risk taking behaviors to get behind.

So it was better, to go with the tamer choices where he could, especially when it could get Hermione that pleased that easily.

Ron took a cup for himself, laughing into it. "Oh, yeah, you spent so much time brooding over me. You were always too smart to be that unproductive while I was running around being a git."


Re: open hermioneee August 27 2016, 23:27:41 UTC
Mouth full of butterbeer, she wrinkled her nose up at Ron.

"Trust me, I had plenty of time for both. It's amazing how much you can get done when you plan properly," Hermione said in her tone that showed her disappointment that not everyone could be like Hermione. "Though, I won't disagree with you running about being a git part."

She then reached up and ran her fingers through a bit of his hair, and stood back with a silly sort of smirk on her face. "You really have been working so hard, Ronald. I'm proud of you." In fact, Hermione couldn't recall Ron complaining about his increased workload even once in the last few weeks. It was a happy turnaround. Hermione had sort of expected quite the opposite after Fred.


Re: open whythespiders August 28 2016, 00:04:34 UTC
Ron couldn't help laughing. Hermione was always going to be the smartest person he'd ever known. Her incessant ability to question how no one else could quite match up to her level of productivity would never stop being so adorable ( ... )


Re: open hermioneee August 28 2016, 01:46:15 UTC
"Mmm, always the poet. That's why I keep you around. For those sweet little nothings," she said spying him over the top of her cup.

Things were going so well lately, and she was so busy, Hermione didn't step back to question it. Of course she was studying Ron for his tell-tale signs that he was heading for some kind of breakdown.

As far as Hermione could tell, Ron was actually fine. Sure, maybe a little sad depending on the topic of conversation, but he was out living his life. Maybe all the extra work at the ministry was exactly what he needed to remain levelheaded. She was grateful for it, and that he was finding peace in his work.

She licked a bit of the sweet foam off the top of her lip- honestly she was amazed how much effort Harry put into all this. And what with the taste of butterbeer on her lips, the uniforms, their friends- it really was almost like being in school again.

"So, Ron. If we were really back in the common room right now- what would you want to do?"


Re: open whythespiders August 28 2016, 02:28:16 UTC
"Hm." Ron hummed, setting his barely touched cup to the side and watching Hermione with bright eyes.

They were in a room surrounded by people, everything so similar - in ways - to the parties they'd all gone to a million years go. Though, Ron had been a bit too dense to actually act on what he'd wanted to back then.

If all hell was going to break loose soon - which it would, without a doubt, as it always did - Ron wasn't going to let this bit of levity and this level of flirty escape.

"Probably what I always wanted to do," he told her, leaning closer so there wasn't much space left between them.

"Find a place no one else had claimed and see if I could convince you to come with me."


Re: open hermioneee August 28 2016, 02:54:08 UTC
"Ronald..."Taken a bit off guard at that, Hermione felt her cheeks begin to warm with color. While it was true when they weren't fighting like cats and dogs they were practically at it like rabbits- ever since living together that sort of thing became more predictable.

Plus, Hermione knew it was true, it was very nice to hear that he wanted her back then, too.

But, she couldn't make it that easy for him. There was no fun in that.

An eyebrow shot up, though she couldn't keep the smile off her face, "And how would you have convinced sweet and innocent me to do something like that with you, hm?"


Re: open whythespiders August 28 2016, 04:35:57 UTC
It was almost always difficult to catch Hermione off guard. She was a master of seeing steps ahead, always. But Ron had that ability sometimes and couldn't help grinning at her reaction.

"Well, back then, I'd have been too ridiculous. How about now, I'd tell you how beautiful you are and how much you always drive me crazy and I've only ever wanted to be as close to you as possible, but why would you ever want to put up with me anyway?"


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