Apr 08, 2008 07:00
I am just SO tired this morning. It's my fault for staying up so late because I wanted to talk to someone. Someone I was so sure about, so excited about... Now I'm feeling slightly deflated because I'm not sure anymore.. This is what I was trying to prevent, but the heart does wander, no matter what I tell it to do. God. That's annoying.
I'm not giving up on them or anything, just.. I'm not sure. I hope they come around because I really like them. *shrug* We can only wait and see. I think I just need to take a step back. There isn't any rush. It's just... been a long time. But that's no excuse. <=) lol Well enough of that crap. Moving on!!
7:00 - 1 large piece of whole grain, brown rye (?) toast + 1 heaping tbsp of peanut butter + 1 glass of skim milk
12:00 - 1 large whole wheat wrap, a bit of peppers and about 1 serving of lean chicken + salsa, + 1 medium orange
1:00 - About half a cup of sunflower seads + a few pistachios
1:30 - 1 hr walk pushing a stroller lol
I haven't really been exercising today because, well, I'm in horrible pain. The kind that is right around my uterus area. And besides the pain, I get pitifully tired lol. Dropped iron, is my guess. So I took it easy today. I may yet do some tonight.
Lo and behold: the worst workout yet. (and by that, I mean the best one)
8:30 - 100 jumping jacks. pushups: 30 wide 13 shoulder width (then i remembered the elbows. duh) 7 with elbows in, 10 diamond, weights: 25 shoulder press, 40 bicep curls, 25 upright rows, 40 hammer thingys, 25 bent over rows (I think I have shit form on those), 40 tricep kickbacks (20 each arm), 100 crunches, and 50 lunges of DEATH
9:30 - 1 tsp of peanut butter