(no subject)

Mar 25, 2006 03:47

I saw Metric at the Fillmore with Amy and Ryan tonight and ohmahgahhhhh it was soooooooo gooooooood. I can't even put into words how amazingly AMAZING that show was, but maybe that's because it's almost 4 a.m. and we just got back. San Francisco is a lot farther away than people lead you to believe. Anyway, I'm covered in beer because there was a bar and everyone at this show was at least 25 except for us. The entire venue basically spilled their drinks in my hair so now when I hold it up it gets stuck. P.S. I decided that once you age past 22, excessive tattoos don't look good on you anymore. We saw Island open. They're made up of 2/3 of the Unicorns plus several more new guys. They're not that good. I felt like I was at the Unicorns redux but they were worse. Poor substitute. Bring back the Unicorns, I say.

We're leaving for Ventura in a few hours and I still have to pack. I'm so tired. Uhhhhboooooomb I can't get over how close we were to the stage.
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