More frequent commentary than usual

Oct 10, 2008 12:44

My sister's right. The big problem for me is that I miss living in a college town. There aren't enough people near my own age about in the streets of Morrisville, night or day, for me to talk with. And I do enjoy a good conversation. On the plus side, I'm enamored of the local hippy cafe and the natural food store, so that's a plus. Sadly, neither is currently hiring...

Trying to arrange a way to get to the sheriff's department Wednesday afternoon. I'm finally going to be fingerprinted for substitute teaching. Which means more income for me. Go income.

It's somehow hard for me to be less than optimistic today, despite receiving a troubling forward and paying almost a hundred bucks out for groceries and lunch today...and least I have very few real bills save VSAC and my phone...
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