Title: Seaside Risks & Consequences Rating: G Challenge: 498 - All at Sea Characters: Remus, Severus A/N: Because the way I imagine it, Severus, I think, is not a sea-loving person, and would probably be so very bored.
Title: Duel Rating: G-ish? Challenge: 497 - Expelliarmus Characters: Remus, Severus A/N: This was supposed to be in color, but the end-product looked really weird. So grayscale it was.
Title: This Meeting Rating: G Challenge: 494 - Bleak Midwinter Characters: Severus, Remus (?) Credit Where Credit is Due: Reference picture used: http://1ms.net/winter-wolf-252989.html A/N: Wow, I haven't done one of these in a looong time. Also, pencil, for once.
Title: Being a spy can come in handy Artist: shadowycat Rating: G Challenge: #492: The Holidays are Coming Medium: Pencil on paper Notes: Happy Holidays! :D
Title: At the Beach Artist: shadowycat Rating: PG Challenge: #457: At the Beach Medium: Mechanical pencil on paper Notes: about 25 minutes sketching time