I should really update more often, but I can't bring myself to do it from work, even though this is one of the few "fun" sites that haven't been banned for security purposes. And by the time I get home, I fall asleep.
This week:
Have mostly been fielding phone calls from insurance adjusters, etc. re: car accident last Saturday. I have a rental car, as my car is now in the shop for repairs. The damage was more extensive than I realized at first glance, the entire rear panel and underside of the trunk will have to be replaced. This is probably a result of the car being mostly plastic, and easily crushable to prevent the impact from crushing the humans inside. on the upside, having a fax machine at work improves the speed of moving documents to and fro the various parties involved in the repairs. Because of Christmas, the repairs will probably not be done til the end of next week. Luckily, insurance co. is footing bill for rental.
Had a "baptism by fire" this week of angry phone call from attorney who was unhappy with my response to a subpoena, who threatened me with sanctions if I didn't fill out her additional request letter without a new subpoena. Fine. I'm working to fill the new request, which specifies all kinds of stuff that make my life difficult but don't really help anyone to know them.
Then I got a thank you note faxed by another attorney thanking me for my prompt response to his subpoena. takes all kinds.
We're taking Alice to the vet for her next booster shot. We also have to dig out a fecal sample from her little box to so they can examine it for worms. I just cleaned out the litter box on thursday morning, so anything that's in there should be fresh enough to examine. But not so looking forward to collecting said sample.
Also have received gifts from my coworkers, which was very sweet as I've only been there a few weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't think to get anyone gifts, myself. So its a bit awkward.
Just finished the new Temeraire book by Naomi Novik, which was an entertaining and quick read. (For those who are not familiar, its like Patrick O'Brien novels/Horatio Hornblower stories about Napoleonic war with dragons in an aerial combat unit. Okay, so Horatio Hornblower on acid.) Alice likes to crawl under my knees when I tent them up under the blanket when I'm reading. She's like a furry hot water bottle.
A lawyer joke, courtesy of the
LolRus Saga and ICanHasCheezburger.com:
funny pictures