Jun 10, 2007 00:03

holy shit. i hate zakk wylde so much.
and not just zakky but all these idiots parading around as guitar vurtuosos these days. I get it, your really good at playing guitar, but why should I care? all of your songs are just huge jerk off sessions where you just try your hardest to show how crazy skilled you are... why not take those said skills and write a good song with them instead?
and whats more, this bastard uses dead guitar legends like dime bag darrel of pantera fame and randy rhodes of quiet riot and more memorably ozzy fame to further his career in the same way toby keith and other country singers use 9/11 to play off the emotions of weak minded simpletons.
It really disgusts me.
I sat through about an hour of a black label sociaty dvd today at one of sarahs freinds birthday party and it reminded me just how much i hate people.
for starters every one there was a "juggalo"... that is what fans of the insance clown posse call themselves for those of you fortunate enough to not know what that is... i hate juggalos... i hate icp... their all ignorant and violent red necks.
throw in black label society to the equation and im suprised i didnt snap.
i just hate arrogant elitist music like that.
i dont hate metal and i dont hate good musicianship, as many assume because i listen to alot of punk, what i do hate is the "look at me, arent i great, aprove of me because i think im awesome" kind of musicians and that is exactly what zakk wylde embodies.
i dunno, i guess im just not easily impressed enough to be into black label society.
write a good song, learn how to fucking sing, and then ill reconsider.
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