May 30, 2007 02:29
Some one on the television was talking about how great it was that soldiers are not villianised in the war in iraq, unlike soldiers in the vietnam war.
Why the fuck is that a good thing?
The soldiers are an integral part of the compound entity of villianry waging this war.
As a soldier it is your duty to take orders no questions asked, you are trained and conditioned to not think about the impact you are having on people in the region as a result of your actions... you are just following orders and told that you are serving the greater good of the people.
In essence the way the military is set up it seems that the soldiers in their various divisions are the arms and legs of the monster, without willing men and women the beast can not go anywhere or reach out to harm anything, so why then are they exempt from criticisim and blame for unjust wars?
Because these arragant sons of bitches signed up of their own free will to trudge out into harms way and knowingly prepared to enter into the line of fire I am not allowed to speak criticly of them because of their "sacrafice"?!
What sacrafice?
I would like to know what any of them have sacraficed for ME?
It seems while they are bitching and moaning about running off to fight in a war as soldiers are known to do, I am the one that has been making all of the sacrafices back here at home.
I am the one paying absurde amounts of money for gasoline.
I am the one whom is being spied on, watched, and listened too unwarantedly.
I am the one who has lost civial liberty and freedom in the name of defending civia lliberty and freedom.
I am the one who can no longer speak out for the country that I was born, for the freedom and privilage I am told I have here, and an idealogy that despite it all I desperatly want and need to believe in least I be called a traitor to these very things that I do so believe in.
All of these things and many more I have sacraficed so that the soldiers can go play war over seas.
So that they can shoot their guns, throw their grenades, and prove themselves as "army strong" or one of the "few and the proud".
For all of this I have had so much taken from me.
Soldiers sign a peice of paper willingly giving up civial rights and freedoms... mine were taken from me... and some how they are more honorable and more worthy of respect and dignity?
I disagree, I strongly disagree.
And, so help me God, I will gladly spit in the face of any soldier, recruiter, police officer, state official, federal agent, any one all the way up to the president himself who tells me I am wrong.
I am not wrong, and I do not think I am crazy any more.
I do not have to support anything or anyone that is involved in the deconstruction an contamination of my America.
Soldiers are villians when they are the storm troopers of injustice.