May 18, 2005 10:03
There is a girl who I don’t like, that I feel like talking crap about today. Her name is Teness, she is a nasty skeeze hoe who likes to spread lies about me. She tells everyone she comes in contact with that I lied about being raped, that I wanted it and just couldn’t face the reality of what I had done. That is a load of bull S&!^. My friend Christine told me that she heard Teness talking about how when I got on the stand my whole store fell apart. Shows how much that bitch knows. I never testified against him. He was convicted on pure physical evidence. The bloody bite mark, his DNA the rape kit all showed that I was forced. I know she knows what my live journal is and I don’t care if she reads this. Tenses, if you read this now you know what I think about you and I know who you accused and I would take big mikes word over yours any day. I’ve seen he police report and there was no rape you dirty lying whore. If you weren’t pregnant I would bounce your head off the ground so hard that you wouldn’t be able to remember you own name. If you’ve got something to say to or about me say it to my face. You have no room talking about something you know nothing about. And rape is one of those things.