May 19, 2005 22:39
I may sound like a tart but I can’t help but say it a few more times. I love my Bobbalove, he is my first and only love, and at first I didn’t think that I liked this love thing. Always thinking about him when usually all I thought about was me. Always wanting him around, when I loved being alone. I think about how sweet he is to me and how he loves me no matter what, I can’t help but sit here and smile like an idiot. At one time I had hoped that I’d never fall in love for, fear of being rejected, but now I’m not afraid anymore. The fear that I had turned into something else. I’m still afraid of him not loving me one day but I know that the time I spend loving him will be one of the best things in my life. I love you my dear and love to know that you are mine.