fic: all the stars and boulevards [ 9 ]

Jul 24, 2013 21:02

title all the stars and boulevards [ 9 ]
author snuffleslove
pairing zayn/liam, harry/louis, girl!niall
word count 60k
rating pg-13 (now)
warnings slash, swearing, drugs, genderswap, abuse, domestic violence, dub-con
summary zayn and louis take on columbia (university!au)
a/n AU where the boys are international students at columbia university and new york city is taken by storm.

By Friday his vision's blurry with exhaustion and he has to blink to keep the screen in front of him in focus so that he can add any final edits to his last paper of the week. Louis comes banging his way in just as he's decided it's satisfactory, and he ignores Louis's wet willy in favor of hitting save and send.

"Fina-fuckingly," Louis remarks, leaning his head against Zayn's slumped shoulder to watch the upload animation play out on Zayn's screen, "Proud of you, love."

Zayn nods his thanks, closes his eyes for a moment.

"So," Louis starts casually, when Zayn opens his eyes again to blink up at Louis dolefully, "Niall, Harry and I are gonna grab dinner," moving away to put his shit down and change out of his tee into a light jumper.

Zayn arches an eyebrow.

"Er, thanks for the invitation?"

Louis stares at him.

"Niall, Harry and I are - oh for chrissakes," he pulls his phone out of his pocket and fidgets it with for a second, "Hey Liam? Yeah yeah, m'good, really good. Yeah, listen, Harry, Niall and I were gonna go out to dinner, but I think Zayn's really exhausted yeah? I think he's just gonna stay in. Would you mind picking up some takeaway, bringing it up so our poor boy doesn't starve? You're swell, Li, really. Yup. Ok, ta."

Zayn smiles a slow tired smile at him. He has the best mates, really.

"Think he'll mind if I just kip for a little bit?" Zayn asks around a yawn.

"If you don't take him straight to bed I'll be disappointed," Louis tells him sternly, ducking to avoid the pillow Zayn chucks at him from under the covers of his bed. "Oi so listen, you've got like three hours or so yeah? It's six now. You've got to meet us in the attic by nine ok? Ten at the latest. Don't make us come get you. We will drag you naked out of bed."

Zayn nods sleepily, eyes falling shut heavily against Louis's words. He's out like a light in no time.


It's a slight hesitant cough that wakes Zayn up and in the haze of sleep that has not yet relinquished him he croaks out, "Lou?"

"Um, no, it's um -"

"Liam," Zayn says warmly, keeping his eyes closed and reaching out for him, "Come here."

Liam giggles a little, and there's a ruffling of sorts as he puts down what Zayn can only assume are bags of takeaway.

"Wait," he puts up a hand that promptly falls heavily back onto the bed. "You've got to take all your clothes off, those are the rules," he orders. And maybe it's too soon and maybe they shouldn't rush into anything, but Zayn's worked hard all week, and he deserves a naked Liam in his bed, ok?

"Zayn," Liam protests feebly, but Zayn can hear the carelessly hidden desire in his voice and it makes him determined. He finally opens his eyes, propping himself up on one elbow to watch.

"Go on."

Liam's blushing full on, but he puts on a show, slowly tugging his shirt over his head with his bottom lip between his teeth and a smirk in his eyes at the way Zayn's mouth falls open. His hands hover at the waistband of his trousers and Zayn groans.

"Liam, you tease."

Liam chuckles and relents, stripping down and kicking his trousers and pants away.

"Can I come now?" he asks, naked and half hard with an arched eyebrow that turns the question dirty. Bloody fucking hell.

"Yeah, fuck, get over here." Zayn reaches out to tug him into bed, and they fight blankets and pillows until their bodies align and Zayn can feel the heat of Liam's skin. Liam props himself up with a hand by his head and a hand by his hip and leans down to kiss the corner of his mouth.

"Couldn't stop thinking about you all week," Liam breathes and it's desperate and needy and it gets Zayn hot and wanting. He reaches up to kiss him, tangling his hand in the hairs at the nape of Liam's neck. Liam kisses like he's drinking him in, quenching his thirst slowly and deliberately and Zayn relaxes into it, parts his mouth to let Liam's tongue swipe at the back of his teeth. They kiss like that for a long while, until the ache in Zayn's chest from a week of longing has subsided and Zayn is left with desire in his belly and in his veins. He runs hands along Liam's shoulders, smirking slightly at the steady strength of taut muscle, barely shaking even after long minutes.

"What?" Liam asks, pulling away slightly, lips bruised and swollen. He's smiling, big and fond and suddenly Zayn is smirking and blushing at the same time and it's terrifying how much this boy makes him feel.

"Nothing," he croaks out, fighting to keep his voice casual, "Just. I've decided I really like wrestlers."

"Hey," Liam pouts down at him.

"One wrestler," Zayn amends, arching up to bite at his lower lip.

"Yeah?" he giggles again, eyes crinkling up happily, and suddenly he's hooking a foot around Zayn's thigh and reversing their positions, so that Zayn lands on top of Liam, his hard cock a warm heat against his inner thigh. Liam moans at the pressure, rolling his hips up and bringing his hands up to clutch at Zayn's waist.

"Oi, no wrestling moves in bed, Payne, s'no fair," Zayn whines, and Liam laughs, sits up to cup Zayn's face with both hands and bring their lips together. Their tongues tangle and Liam's hands slide down Zayn's torso until he's pressing his palm into Zayn's dick through his trousers and Zayn bucks shamelessly into the pressure.

"Thought you liked wrestlers," Liam says, stroking his length through the fabric.

"What?" Zayn chokes out with a groan that is not closer to a whimper.

"Wrestlers?" Liam prompts, and he's laughing at him but Zayn can't think clear enough to care.

"You," he says, drawing them flush together and rolling his hips down. Liam moans.

"You're wearing too many clothes, " he says, laughter replaced fast by a desire that roughens his voice and darkens his eyes and this close Zayn can see flecks of gold. He tugs off his shirt without hesitation and they both groan at the sudden skin to skin contact. "Yes," Liam hisses, "Fuck. You're - fuck."

Zayn pushes him down so he's lying flat on his back, and then he's mouthing his way down his chest, slowing to press kisses into the cut of his abs.

"Can't believe I get to touch you like this," he murmurs into the lines of Liam's body, voice catching at Liam's gasp.

"Can't believe I get to be touched by you like this," Liam gives back, easy and warm and with just enough cheese to make Zayn smile foolishly. He presses a kiss to Liam's hipbone and then a kiss to the head of his cock, tongue darting out to taste salty pre-come and Liam's hungry moan. He parts his lips around him, takes him in inch by inch, wet heat that makes Liam thrust up helplessly. When he looks up through his lashes, he sees Liam's got his eyes screwed shut and he's biting down hard on his bottom lip and Zayn pulls off with an obscene noise and crawls back up Liam to soothe away the sting with his tongue.

"Hey," he murmurs, "Wanna hear you, Li, c'mon babe."

It's like Liam's been waiting for that because suddenly he's a litany of curses and whimpered please, zayn, fuck when Zayn takes him in his mouth again and Zayn groans around his cock at the sound of his name like that. He starts slow, takes his time moving down Liam's shaft, tongue curling to relish the heavy taste of him. His own dick presses into the mattress, needy from the way Liam's whimpering around his name, and he hums his arousal with saliva stained lips. When Liam leans up on his elbows to watch, thumbing slightly at Zayn's cheek where it's hollowed out, Zayn closes his eyes, relaxes his throat and takes him down to the base. Liam whines high and desperate and he looks beautiful, head thrown back, chest arched, and Zayn wants him like this again and again and again.

"Fuck, I'm close Zayn, please, fuck -" his voice breaks and he comes silently, lips parted, eyes screwed shut, and Zayn milks him through it, swallowing greedily. Liam falls back against the covers weak and spent and Zayn giggles a little helplessly.

"Bet I'm stronger than you right now."

"Hmm?" Liam barely opens his eyes, "Come here." He opens his arms for Zayn and Zayn settles himself against Liam's chest, obliging Liam with a kiss when he reaches for it, hand coming up to cup the back of Zayn's head and hold him steady.

"You're amazing," he mumbles into the kiss, and Zayn giggles again, pulling back to kiss his nose.

"Yeah?" Zayn teases him.

"Yeah," Liam agrees. "Gonna make you come now. Take these off," he demands, tugging at Zayn's trousers. Zayn's still laughing at him but he does what he's told, rolling off Liam to shimmy out of his trousers and toss them aside.

Liam rolls onto his side and with a hand on Zayn's hip, turns him over too to press their foreheads together and entangle their feet.

"Wanna watch you, ok?" he whispers before kissing him deeply, tongue fucking into his mouth slow and purposeful, sharing his taste. Zayn whimpers, the slide going straight to his cock, and he thrusts up into Liam's hip, desperate for some kind of relief.

Liam takes the hint quick enough, wraps his hand around Zayn with a grip that's devastatingly light and a pace that's torturously slow and Zayn mutters a curse, breaking the kiss to breathe.

"Yeah?" Liam asks, smirking like he knows too well what he's doing.

"You're a menace," Zayn grits out, hips pistoning forward for friction, but Liam presses his knee forward into Zayn's thigh, stills his movements. "Liam, fuck, come on," he moans out. He's got his eyes shut but he hears Liam hum his consideration, tighten his grip just a fraction.

"Love seeing you like this," he murmurs, "Love watching you come apart. You're so beautiful, god. And just for me. Because of me, fuck. I never thought I'd -"

Zayn cuts him off with a kiss, sloppy and overcome.

"Yours, Li," he manages, and Liam groans and the noise drives Zayn higher, "Fuck fuck fuck, please," he chants, shuddering under his desperation.

"Yeah, fuck, alright. Come on Zayn, want you to come." He tightens his grip, sets up a pace that is exactly what he needs and Zayn whimpers his relief, giving in to the wave of arousal, letting it tip him over the edge with a battered Liam against his lips.

"Fuck," is all he's got after that. And Liam tugs him closer, until his forehead rests against Liam's chest, and he can feel his heartbeat, still lazy from his orgasm, against his cheek. "We should clean up," he mumbles after a moment, tightening his grip around Liam anyway. Liam laughs, and Zayn feels him press a kiss to his sweaty head.

"I've got it," he says, "Give me a second ok?" He extracts himself from Zayn's grip, clumsy and unsure in his spent limbs and Zayn cracks his eyes open appreciatively to watch him pad over to the sink and wet a paper towel. "Are you checking me out," Liam calls over his shoulder.

"Yes," Zayn responds sweetly, grinning when Liam throws his head back with laughter. "You're gorgeous."

Liam smiles at him, coming back with wet paper towels to clean the mess Zayn's left on his belly.

"And I'm the best looking on the team, so don't you go getting any ideas."

"Hmm," Zayn pretends to consider this even though he can't quite keep his smile at bay, "Are you sure, because I think Matt's pretty fit -"

Liam growls playfully, tugging him forward by his chin to cut him off with a kiss.

"I'll have no more cheek out of you Malik," he scolds, kissing his forehead and then the tops of his eyelids.

"You almost sounded British there for a second," Zayn remarks slowly, feeling suddenly sleepy and lethargic under Liam's warmth. "It's time to sleep, yeah?" he slurs. Liam nods.

"Yeah love," he says. The endearment has Zayn arching up to smother a smile in the curve of his neck and Liam brings their interlaced fingers up to press a kiss to his knuckles, "Goodnight," he says softly.

"Goodnight," Zayn whispers back, pressing a kiss to his sweaty skin.

When they're both on the brink of slumber a thought occurs to Zayn.

"You were wrong, you know," he mumbles.


"I like you better than a bed."

He can hear the blush underneath Liam's drowsy laughter.

ziam, zayn/liam, girl!niall, fic: all the stars and boulevards, 1d, my fic

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