Fuck no, after doing all of the excel work to make this I ain't wrassling with html to reconstruct the table here. The very thought of it makes me shudder horribly.
So...many...numbers....Now I'll have nightmares about this somehow gaining enough notoriety to come to SNSD's attention and Jeti seeing my lovely Whore Ranking joke. :P
Half-assed analysis made while drunk on insomnia )
I included the Top 30 and Gubne numbers to provide another set of data that wasn't money-based, since SSF is slightly skewed for being an international forum. Yeah, that particular prot channel is gone so the view totals even in the event of re-upload would be skewed for including the initial viewing rush. Comparing the results of the other data might be able to provide insight as to whether the Top 30 results are accurate after all, and the numbers do look quite similar to the SSF totals.
This(espc. the pairing numbers) only strengthens my belief in Yuri having 2nd-place syndrome, because it indicates that she has a large amount of popularity but much less devotion because her supporters are devoted to someone else already.
It's her touchy-feeliness that does the trick because that's pretty much all Yulsic is. XD Jessica has much more chemistry with Hyo and Sooyoung and Tiffany but Yulsic is still most popular pairing just because it has the most fanservice. Then combine that with her "Ice Princess" image and you have the super-cliched shipping fodder for "X melted the Ice Princess, how romantic!", ugh.
There are a few big pairings like Soori and Yoonhyun that do nothing for their participating members' popularity because they are popular solely because it completes a fan's chosen family of pairings. In some part Taeny is also popular because it's the complementary pairing to Yulsic, not because the fan has any real affection for Taeny.
Even if people donate to member birthday charities because it's SNSD, it still gives a better indication of general popularity because it doesn't screw over the "2nd place syndrome" members as much. Most fans that donate to these either only donate to their favorite or donate to every charity and throw on a little extra for their favorite. And in the latter case as a general fan of SNSD they would still like every girl in the group, just liking their favorite a little more than the others. So then the birthday charity numbers would reflect that instead of winner-takes-all, like with the auctions.
Not answering your question, but a similar addendum is that screentime =/= popularity either, which links back to what I replied to CP about Yuri becoming boring because of overexposure. Sooyoung, Sunny, and Yuri arguably have had more screentime than Yoona or Jessica, and Yulsun more recently have definitely had more screentime than Tiffany, but this hasn't translated into popularity obviously. Not to mention people were agreeing that Sunny was the most interesting member of G7 yet she still tied with Hyomin for the least number of votes from the soldiers in ep 13. XD
As for your question, the answer is probably long and full of gender issues and philosophy and all that good stuff that should be discussed in a separate post. :D
Also, Yuri's Top Dog status in IY means that she's not supposed to show her own talents but only defend her Top Dog title by being better than the other girls at their own game. In ep 13 her conversation with the soldier was basically an evaluation of popularity dynamics, from in G7 to in Kpop, so we know Yuri values her rising star very much, but at the same time all of the humor in that conversation came from the soldier's replies, not from Yuri.
r noted that in ep 15 she correctly answered the quiz questions but that it made the atmosphere boring for it. Yet if she had given ridiculous and wrong answers it wouldn't have fit in with her "Top Dog does everything right" image. She's not Kkap Yul in IY, currently her screentime in IY consists of Love Line Yuri(Top Dog with a devoted fan following her, and defending that from upstart Sunhwa) and Competition Yuri(Top Dog always wins unless it's BAMF Sunny or Yuri's-Spiritual-Twin-Hara).
I've found Yuri in IY to be most endearing though when she's poking fun at the expectations on her: the same way Yoona pokes fun at her own "Face of SNSD" status.(Like in Guerilla Date, and the other members were eating it up too) It's like the counterpart to Hyomin being shameless about being the screentime underdog.
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