Grey loves tables, I love-hate Excel right now

Apr 17, 2010 04:13

Fuck no, after doing all of the excel work to make this I ain't wrassling with html to reconstruct the table here. The very thought of it makes me shudder horribly.

Now I'll have nightmares about this somehow gaining enough notoriety to come to SNSD's attention and Jeti seeing my lovely Whore Ranking joke. :P

But yeah, so Tiffany still brings home the most bacon(fucking hell look at the Lotte auction's numbers) but Taeyeon, Yoona, and Jessica are the true BIG NAMES of SNSD across the board right now. It also looks like Yuri's popularity(at least on SSF) is largely tied into how much she gets around. XD

Fuck, the "Ranking points" section is unweighted which means even when there's a huge margin between numbers it's not reflected in the ranking, and yet Hyo is still little more than 1/8 of Taeyeon's points, and less than half of next up Sooyoung's!? D: D: D:
And, the only reason Hyo was able to overtake Sooyoung on the Auction Totals was because she had an item on the Lotte Auction and Sooyoung didn't. D: And even if Sunny didn't have an item and Hyo still did, Hyo still wouldn't have been able to overtake Sunny on the Auction Totals. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. (Writing this post at 4am wasn't such a good idea either, but at least r and iacus were keeping me entertained on the side.)

I still have the Excel sheet, so if anyone has anymore numbers to crunch I can still update this. (Although fuck I'll have to remake the graphs.)

member: hyoyeon, member: tiffany, statistics, shipping, member: jessica, promotion strategies, member: sooyoung, member: yoona, member: yuri, member: sunny, member: seohyun, group: snsd, member: taeyeon

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