TTS: Holler

Sep 17, 2014 21:27

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I like it a lot! It's better than Bang Bang, too. (Although still, TTS cover when?)
There are a lot of tangential associations in my mind for it, as a result of its mish-mash of signature music genre sounds, but it's all in a good way. The important thing is, this doesn't feel like cheap album filler, the way SNSD's previous dabbles in this Burlesque-ish sound have been.

I guess, from a combination song-and-visuals standpoint, the strongest association is Pucchimoni's Seishun Jidai. Of course, Holler is so much more maximalist, in that perfect way I like, and has more melodic punch than its SMEnt-released-cousin Rum Pum Pum, (ADD MOAR REVERB ON THE CHORUS HARMONIES. MOARRRRRRR) so yeah, high scores across the board.

Just stop making Tiffany or Jessica rap in English, please.

Also getting uncomfortable TMYW/Hebirote vibes from the intro and outtro. Could do with less pandering creepy voyeurism cinematography, kthxbye.

(Huh, this would have worked as a killer second-album single for Red Velvet.)

*music, member: tiffany, *review, member: seohyun, *mv, member: taeyeon

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