First Day!

Nov 23, 2009 19:48

My ass is tired. And the rest of me ain't so energetic ;D Team is pretty good, everyone is pretty new. High energy but not frantic. More of a slow but steady. The team-mates are all really nice and mellow. Got my systems and accounts set up and I'm just basically working out the lay of the land. Meeting with mgr tomorrow to go over the documentation plan. I'm really looking forward to that, I already drafted my ideas. I really like the mgr, he's very no nonsense, good sense of humor, down to earth, and genuinely nice. I think we are going to Ipanema for a team lunch on Weds (two of us joined the team, although I think I'm the contractor and he might be FTE but I'm not sure). In other news, nick's work had a big re-org and his new boss is in San Francisco. If it stays like this for any length of time we might look at relocating next year.

Radagast is sleepy hahaha. He was in daycare all day :D
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