OK For Real This Time

Nov 21, 2009 20:50

I have a job FOR REALZ. I know because I already signed the paperwork and I'm set to start Monday AM. And it's not at "prominent east side software giant". It's for a company downtown, a few blocks from where I live. It's a contract gig basically cleaning up their existing developer docs. In a nutshell, they have a Perl API that allows their customers to customize how they receive data from their Pay-Per-Call service. This was acquired from a startup they bought and have been sitting on for a few years. Sooo now they are investing in development and they are finding out the API docs are really crappy and incomplete. Additionally the original developers have long left the company. So they wanted someone who is a technical writer with experience as a Perl developer. I couldn't imagine a better fit!!! Also the pay is a lot better than what the "software giant" was offering, well at least through the agency I was working with which is notorious for their cheapness.

I am totally hooked on Weebly. In a matter of a few hours I redid my website with their tools and I'm really happy with how it looks now. I took one of their templates and tweaked the CSS a la Wordpress. I was able to use their Scribd component to embed PDF samples of my writing thus creating an online portfolio. I know it's easy enough to do in other tools, but not nearly as easy as in Weebly. I am all about easy.

I finally figured out what I want to work on for the Mozilla docs. I looked at their list of docs that needed to be updated and decided to start there. I am starting on the "Intro to XUL" wiki article. I attended a XUL intro session a couple years ago at Linux Fest and have some files somewhere. Personally I think it's kind of messy, but I like the idea of it -- XML and Javascript on Mozilla's framework to create desktop applications. Anyways it should be fun :)
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