I got the gig!

Oct 17, 2009 11:08

I will get the official offer next week, but I got a call from the manager and the agency that they were submitting an offer. The agency is currently running a background check.

I am both excited and nervous. Nervous because I'm always nervous before a job I'm unfamiliar with. I hope I'm able to produce quality work that meets their expectations. I don't want to come up short.

Excited because I started on this path over the summer. I made a goal for myself and started taking steps to be a technical writer. This is my first *official* technical writer job!

It's a little scary because being tech writing is something new for me. Although it's very natural and something I've always done in my spare time, I am nervous about it being my official job. Luckily I was honest in my resume and in my interview. Which is why I thought if they didn't go with me, they would go with someone else who had more specific writing experience. Apparently they felt the writing I had provided was sufficient and there were other things that they valued just as much, that I possess. So that makes me feel pretty good :)

Frankly, the writing is really easy. It's the organization that is more challenging. The organization is based on usability principles, something I am personally interested in, and that I have an aptitude for with my previous training in Anthropology.

It feels really good to have finally made sense of my diverging interests in Social Sciences and in Technology. My long term goal of course is to go into HCI/User Experience, but for now I am really focusing on writing. I don't know what it is, but I really enjoy writing.

Speaking of which, I need to work on my draft for my white papers class!
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