Interview went ok.. I think?

Oct 15, 2009 12:26

It's always hard to tell how interviews go. I feel that I did a good job of clearly representing myself. I feel pretty confident that it's a job I could handle and a team I could work well with. So, on my side, it feels like a good fit. They are interviewing a few more candidates and will let me know end of next week if I'm the best candidate for the position. Regardless of what the outcome is, I got a lot of insight into the type of work I could expect to be doing as a programmer writer and where I could definitely improve my skills (and my portfolio).

I've been looking for developer documentation opportunities with Ubuntu but haven't been having much luck, other than the packaging documentation. In addition to the packaging docs I'm also looking for a variety of language specific documentation. I was digging around the interwebs and found that Mozilla has a developer area with a documentation project specific to it. It looks pretty well organized and I can see a few things I wouldn't mind taking on. So I joined the mailing lists and sent an email to the team to introduce myself. :)

My work on the Ubuntu Doc project got me attention for this particular job interview. I am really enjoying working on the Ubuntu Doc project and want to continue that. I also want to work on developer docs and Mozilla seems an easy fit for me, especially with my web development background. Contributing to some fairly high profile open source projects, I think, is a great way to get some attention as a new writer.

It's hard to say with regards to the job I interviewed if they will decide on me as the best candidate. Honestly, it is really going to depend on the other candidates and what particular experience is most valuable to them. Personally, I know where I am weak, and it's that I don't have as much writing experience as other candidates they may be looking at. I am lucky to have the benefit of being on unemployment right now while I work on improving my job skills. I am also glad that I'm such a self-motivated and disciplined person that I can recognize my weaknesses and work to improve them. The fact that I like doing this stuff without getting paid for it is a good sign I think. Honestly, I like doing it and it's fun to learn new things. It also feels good to contribute something that people appreciate.

Soooo I'll just wait and see, but the interview was a good experience overall and I definitely know where I can improve myself as a technical writer candidate.
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