Feeling Restless

Aug 14, 2009 14:55

I'm ready to start sending my stuff out and hopefully getting some interviews lined up. HOWEVER I want to wait until the resume writer has my resume + cover letter done. It is totally worth the $ to have this done professionally because it provides such a huge relief. I especially feel in this competitive climate that I really need that edge.

I know it sounds funny but I'm ready to have a job again. I'm tired of being out of work. I have plenty to do, so I'm not bored or anything, but damn! I just want to be locked in and cruising forward. Working on the Ubuntu docs and Spaz has totally been saving my sanity. Even though I'm unemployed I'm still contributing to something awesome, so it's tolerable.

Sure I have a stack of personal projects I've been craving for downtime to sink my teeth into. This isn't exactly downtime though. Everyday I'm working on *something*. If it's not classes, it's something for one of the documentation projects I'm contributing to, or it's learning something really hard that I typically don't have time for when I'm working. I've been finishing up the Gaming Institute classes I bought last year and never finished. I'm halfway through the CPP2 class which covers Windows API programming and 2d graphics. After that I will do the math refresher and then tackle DirectX. This is all hard stuff that I struggled with in school. Now that I'm older, wiser, and more self-assured, I'm taking it on, more for personal reasons than professional. But they are linked. My self-image is tightly linked to some of the programming things I've traditionally struggled with and how I see myself in comparison to others. I think that even if I am not a walking encyclopedia of programmer arcana, having a few small apps under my belt won't hurt me :D
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