Feb 16, 2013 00:13
First I'm thankful that no one was killed by that meteor today in Russia because that would have made a very cool science story almost unbearably tragic. Luckily this meteor was so well sized it was like Weight Watchers for news junkies. I can watch as many videos of the destruction as I want without anymore guilt than usual.
Secondly I'm glad that this particular meteor happened to explode over a Russian city long after the Cold War has ended, simply because having an ICBM dropped onto my city while I sleep would be a really crappy way to start the day.*
Thirdly I am thankful for police corruption because without all those dashcams aimed at recording car accidents and interactions with the police none of that amazing footage would have been captured. So remember, the next time any of you are arrested for video taping excessive use of force remember this, you are not taping the police, you're just waiting for the meteor to drop in.
And lastly I'm thankful for living to see something so amazing from space. Here's hoping it inspires us to look up and actually step back into the cosmos above. If not from curiousity then at least from equally worthy motivations like greed and self-preservation.
Stay good everyone, and keep looking up! :-)
*In elementary school I once told a teacher I figured we'd get hit with between 2-4 large hydrogen bombs just so the Soviets could be sure they got all the important stuff here. Definitely overkill but isn't that what nuclear warfare is all about?
things that earn my gratitude,
my humour