Mar 26, 2010 22:45
I'm back! Finally! And actually have been since yesterday... I had a truly hellish experience trying to get home, though -- it was already going to be a 24-hour trip, and then one of my connecting flights got canceled so I had to sleep in the terminal overnight, and then I think I caught something horrible on the plane back over. I've spent the past day or two being sick and exhausted. Bleargh. I think I'll try and recuperate a bit more before jumping back into LJ life (and also I still have not caught up on any Lost at all, so I kind of want to avoid the internet at large until I do that). Mostly I just wanted to say: hello again, I missed you all lots, and I have plenty of stories and pictures to share! ...And obviously another Dalton picspam to finish, haha. DON'T EVEN IMAGINE THAT I FORGOT ABOUT THAT.