Brief thoughts on House 5.05: Lucky Thirteen:
I will totally back Foreman/Thirteen if only because "Foreteen" is the BEST OTP NAME SMOOSH EVER.
Wilson. Is. BACK! SHAZAM! And, no, there isn't anything tacky about pulling Amber into a prank because, honestly, I think it's more likely that her dying wishes were not, "Please... move on and be happy with other people...!" but rather, "Please... milk my totally inevitable and totally lame-ass death for all it's worth to antagonize House from here to kingdom come. HOUSE - 0 VOLAKIS - 10000000 EVEN FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE AHAHAHAAAAA THAT'S HOW WE ROLL CTB STYLE."
Lucas needs his own show something fierce. I will personally finance it if need be.
I miss Foreman/Chase. D'awww. (I think Foreman secretly does, too.)
House/Cuddy/Wilson closer. Yyyyyesssss how I've missed having the three of them together.