"Less creepy, more gay." "That's my firm's motto."

Sep 30, 2008 22:55

HOW CAN I ENJOY AN EPISODE WITHOUT WILSON?? ...Actually, pretty well. Which is bothersome. I mean, obviously I was pining for the oncologist hero of my heart, but there were still good things to be had this week.

-A BEZOAR WTF. That was pretty much the grosses time-elapse montage of intestinal activity ever (not that I think there's a lot of competition). But, you know, even though I don't pay much attention to the medical bits, I love when they're so random and gross and disconcerting instead of just -- oops, we overlooked this extremely simple explanation for your symptoms, shazzam! The weird ookiness delights me.
-CUDDY/LUCAS. OMG they would be so cute and brilliant and just amazing in general. It's got all the flirty frazzled banter-y benefits of Huddy, but with an extra overlay of sweetness because the game is relatively pressure-free and, anyway, Lucas is a terrible liar and Cuddy's got herself covered. It's like the healthy version of dating House, ha (with the added benefit of not having to date your employees, AWKWARD).
-...OR POSSIBLY I'M JUST PROJECTING BECAUSE I'M SOOO IN LOOOVE. Well, with both of them really because Cuddy was A+++ this week; but mostly with Lucas because I'm cherishing him as much as possible before I have to say good-bye (only one more episode? Really? *clings*). As much as I'm still arrrrghhhh just see and/or talk to and/or make out with each other to House and Wilson, I feel like Lucas is a good intermediary sort of therapy friend for House while he gets his junk together. Hiding in House's closet = WIN. Jamming on House's piano = WIN-ER. "Less creepy, more gay." "That's my firm's motto." = WIN-EST.
-I have the most inappropriate crush on Taub. I would elaborate, but, well... it'd probably get inappropriate! So. Ahem. Anyhoo. Nice to get some more of him, and to finally meet Mrs. Taub.
-Mostly, though, I'm just insanely excited for the next episode (although, two weeks again? First Atlantis, now this? Why you gotta hate me, TV?). Commence preliminary flailing! YAYAYAAAAYAYAYAAAYAYAY.

Also, in which my parents are casual slashers: well, to backtrack some, my mom and I often call each other right after House to engage in some shared flailing over our favourite bits (I think my epic Wilson fangirling has rubbed off on her, haha) and she seems to get into House/Wilson a lot. After "Don't Ever Change" last season she called me and was like, "...Wow. That couldn't have been more perfect, could it?" I'M SO PROUD TO CALL YOU MY MOMMY, HEEE. Then after "Dying Changes Everything," she called me in a panic. "Oh no! Our TiVo cut off the very end! What happened?" "Umm, how far did you get?" "Wilson just walked out of his office." "Oh, well, that's pretty much all that happens... House stands and watches as Wilson leaves." "Oh. [audibly disappointed] I thought House was going to run after him and tell Wilson how he felt about him. How could they just leave each other like that??!" Trust me, mother, your emotional trauma is my emotional trauma.

Anyway, this evening we did our usual post-House call; obviously there wasn't much Wilson-related to discuss, so instead we talked about last night's Chuck. Because I am predictable like whoa, she already knows that I'm totally in love with Casey, and we LOLed over his target practice montage. "Your father didn't even look twice at that," she told me, "until he realized he couldn't shoot Chuck. And then he went, 'Awww, that's sweet.'" Wait, what? Really? Way to surprise and delight me, Dad, ahahaha, because that was basically my exact reaction.

So next time I feel the need to get overinvolved and excited and picspammy about a ship, it's not my fault, okay? IT'S GENETIC, I SWEAR.

house m.d., chuck, my parents explain so much about me, house/wilson

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