To all who wished me a happy birthday, thanks so much! It was great. :D Well, it did start a bit rocky -- getting locked out of the bathroom by my suitemates when I was in desperate need of brushing my teeth, spending all morning and the majority of my afternoon on a research project for Restoration and 18th Century Lit, etc. It came together quite nicely by the evening, though. We went out to Chili's for dinner, and afterwards headed to the amphitheatre for a free movie! Back to the Future! And it was predictably awesome.
And oh snap, something about typing the words Back to the Future made me think of last night's Lost... WHICH BLEW MY FRIGGEN MIND. BUT IN A GOOD WAY. BUT HOW DOES LOST EVER NOT BLOW MY MIND IN A GOOD WAY?? SO MAYBE I DIDN'T NEED TO CLARIFY. Anyway. OMG. As if Desmond wasn't already right near the top of my most favourite characters ever, then they just have to throw Daniel into the mix and it turned into one giant jumble of confused brain gymnastics and ahhhh don't have an aneurysm and omg Penny/Des please just end up together pleeeease and Daniel you are so sweet and amazing and ohhhhhhhh Desmond is his constant? God, this is like the end of "Live Together, Die Alone" where we find out that Desmond was the one who shined the light up at Locke and they saved each other! Because everything happens for a reason! I'm in a cocoon of connectedness.
And also! While watching Back to the Future tonight, I realized that Daniel Farady = George McFly. True story.
(ETA: Okay, after Googling "daniel farady george mcfly," I realized that I am not the only person to come up with this comparison -- minus points for originality, then, but plus lotssss of points for being totally right on! Honestly, I think the comparison is almost too apt and overt to not be an intentional reference. Official Lost Podcast question, anyone? And I found the best quote at
this blog: "Except I want to say that Daniel Faraday is Doc Brown AND George McFly. 'I'm Daniel.. Daniel Faraday.. I'm your density.. I mean.. your destiny.'" OH HOW I LOVE IT.)
Also also! I've become quite skilled at predicting future Lost wackiness. For example,
arcadiaego brought up this conversation on her journal after "The Economist" aired (I'll copy and paste what she wrote):
"The future, we predict it. Kind of."
SO. TRUE. And then Thursday afternoon I called my brother to help him edit a paper, but of course it turned into an anticipatory Lost flailing session as everything seems to. "I'm so excited about tonight's episode!" I said. "And it's a Desmond episode, yesss. But I don't know if it'll be a flashback or a flashforward -- knowing Desmond, probably both, haha." And then we went into this complicated theory of how we would think that it started as a flashback except then it would turn into a flashforward for his flashback self. And... that is totally what happened, LOL. So I messaged him after watching the episode (he doesn't have a TV at school, so he has to wait and watch it on
Dallas: really?
that's good
I'll watch it tomorrow
me: okay
if you want a hint... the crazy wackiness we were joking about
is actually kind of what the episode is like, lol
Dallas: really??
you wanna know why?
me: because... we're awesome?
Dallas: because, before I talked to you, I had a flash forward to when you told me it was crazy like that, so then I told you that.
me: lol
you're a dork
Dallas: me???
a dork???
um, then what does that make you?
Okay, I was going to post a super awesome meme, but I've been online waaay too long, as my birthday is now officially over, so I guess that means it's sleepy time for me. The best birthday present I've received so far: the whole room to myself all weekend! Ahhhh, nice. :) In case you're curious, other gifts include Jaws 30th anniversary DVD (Roy Scheider! *sob*), Catch-22 (because I still have not read it, shame on me as an English major), and my parents' continued financial support of my eduction (I have to go turn in my deposit on Monday, committing myself to another year of pouring money into this place). Hurrah!