Sebastian I Need You: Part 1 of 2

Dec 28, 2010 21:58

Title: Sebastian I Need You: Part 1
Word Count: 2257
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Sebastian/Ciel and Druitt/Ciel non-con
Warnings: Non-con, underage, shota con and some voilence and gore
Summery: What if the night of the search for Jack the Ripper at Vicount Druitt's castle happened differently and ended more violently.

Bumps and shudders were felt as the carriage was drawn across the cobblestoned streets of London. I could not say exactly why I had agreed to this, as an unpleasant feeling of foreboding spread across my chest. The case of Jack the Ripper had born the fruit of this ridiculous attempt to get closer to our suspect,

the Viscount Druitt, who was hosting the last party of 'the season'. I could hear Aunt Ann chattering happily with Lau; who had decided to drag along and the stoic face of my butler, Sebastian, was unnerving. Just as a 'tutor' should be; being his role for the night and as my predicament became clearer a sigh escaped my lips.

"Is this really necessary Sebastian?" I quipped as he offered me his hand to help me out of the carriage. The smirk that settled over his features told me he found this highly amusing. Just as expected he repeated my own words back to me.

"You said to take any means possible, Young Master." My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, I still could not understand why I had to dress as a girl and yet the reason was so simple and ingenious that my Aunt Ann had come up with. I needed to be disguised and as the opposite gender as I had less of a chance of being recognized.

"Besides, I have always wanted a girl." Madam Red declared over excitedly. Another sigh passed between my lips, tonight was going to be a long night. Really, what had possessed me to agree to this.

"Young Ma- Lady, we need to watch the Count carefully tonight. Something doesn't fit." Sebastian whispered in my ear as we entered the area of the ball. The dance floor already full and the murmur of conversation drifting to the high ceilings and back. I could already feel my annoyance increase, I hated crowds and the smell of absolute deception and depravity hidden behind the ruse of high society.

"So cute!" That voice startled me from my thoughts of trying to corner the Viscount. Oh, crap. My mind supplied without help as Sebastian took the initiative to try and hide me from my fiancé, who would be sure to recognize me. And so the long night begun, running and hiding from my fiancé and trying to catch the attention of the Viscount Druitt.

"My I have this dance My Lady?" Sebastian bowed and offered me his hand; which I accepted. After all, I had to find a way to stop Elizabeth from coming over. I admit, dancing was never my strong point. Yet, the way Sebastian gently held me as he led me through the steps was for some reason making my heart flutter. I could feel the blush settle over my cheeks as he bent down to whisper in my ear.

"Enjoying yourself My Lady?" I heard his chuckle just as the song came to a stop and bowed to me once again as I was forced to curtsey. The clapping of hands distracted me from scowling at my amused butler. There the Viscount stood in all is glory, admiring me for a dance I mostly trampled on Sebastian's toes. Although I doubt he could see it, the dress was wide and made of pink muslin. The flowered hat carefully covering the mark of my and Sebastian's cursed contract.

"What a beautiful robin, may I enquire who you came with?" As I attended to the Viscount's questioning and trying to persuade him to take me to do something 'else'. Sebastian was entertaining the crowd and Elizabeth from discovering me. Looking at this man, I struggled not to gag as his hand settled on my hip and slid down. The touch bringing back unwanted memories and the feeling of humiliation again.

"Follow me." He said and I did, foolishly. Looking back on events, what made me think to do that, if only I knew what was going to happen. The moment the noise of the crowd faded, I almost sighed in relief. Somehow the quiet was more calming and I could think clearer; however the sense of foreboding was tying my stomach in knots as I felt a shimmer of cold sweat spread over my body and a shudder swept through me. It was only then that I noticed the air tainted with a sickly sweet smell, it was clouding my motor functions as I swayed with my balance lost and my mind spinning violently. I could detect the tang of chloroform on my tongue and yet this was different as well, not only a sedative. I could feel my body heat rise and the uncomfortable feeling of needing something that I could not explain. A whimper escaped my lips as I leaned back heavily on the door of the closed room, the candles lit themselves as the Viscount waved his hand and I stared confused. I knew Sebastian was capable of that, the control of fire. Yet, why could this vermin do it? The last thing I remembered seeing was the Viscount's bed chambers; a large canopy bed not unlike mine own draped in the deepest red silk that loomed before me and the smirk across Druitt's features. My mind switched off as darkness engulfed me.

Blurred images swam before my eyes, red, white, gold and purple. I blinked a few times to find some shape to what I was seeing. I was frightened when I saw the Viscount looming above me, his purple eyes many shades darker as to almost seem black and a cruel smirk splitting his face.

"Really now Earl, I had no idea you had such an interisting pass time." He chuckled and my eyes widened until I saw him stare and drag a finger across my cursed eye. I struggled, trying to free myself from his weight on top of me and the feeling that was creeping over me. My hands and feet were tied with silk ropes, spread eagled and I realized that I was entirely naked. Only the extensions Madam Red had took hours to weave into my hair was left of my false identity.

"I wouldn't struggle if I were you, Ciel. It'll only spread the drug faster." He purred in my ear and I felt the slick heat of a tongue dragging across my neck to my ear before he was pushing the slick appendage inside my ear canal. I shuddered violently and felt bile rise in my throat.

"W-what drug!" I demanded. Trying to find the connection I have with Sebastian, only to find it dim. Almost as if someone had placed a glass panel between us; at this feeling I felt the panic rise up in me.

"Oh, nothing dangerous Earl Phantomhive. Something new on the market, an aphrodisiac." At his words I struggled harder, I knew what it was and what it did.

"N-NO!" I screamed as I felt the affects spreading through my body. I knew these affects as my captors used it time and time again during that one moth of my life I wished never happened.

"Oh yesss!" Viscount Druitt hissed, the gleam in his eye was of pure unbridled lust. "You'll be screaming the whole night. I knew who you were the moment you stepped foot into my castle, Ciel. I have to say I am honoured that you offered yourself up for me so beautifully." I felt the tears gather in my eyes, soaking my cheeks as a sob escaped my lips. So helpless, why am I always so helpless?

"SEBASTIAN!" I screamed in order to contact help, only to shiver at the low chuckle coming from the Count.

"Your little demon butler is busy right now, Young Master. So why don't we play a bit?" No, no, no! Sebastian you promised you'd always be by my side! I sobbed as I tried again and again to call for Sebastian.

"How rude Earl, to call another's name in our private intimate time." The Viscount declared as another silk cloth appeared in his hand, the silk gagged me and I couldn't speak. The tears I fought so hard to keep in slipped past my clenched eyelids one by one, each one carrying its own story of fear and hopelessness.

"So beautiful." The Count declared to himself before I felt lips descend on my neck, a tongue dragging across my collarbone as it slipped further down. I hated the feeling of my own reaction, knowing it was the drug and yet I blamed myself for not being able to suppress its affects. My heated skin was painful to the touch and the caress of that sly tongue making it's way across my chest to harshly bite at my nipple, was painful and a spark of pleasure that dulled some of the drugs effectiveness. I shuddered as I felt his lips travel up my thighs and lick at my hips. My mind was shutting down and I could feel it retreating into itself. I felt numb even though the sparks kept shooting down my spine. Please, Sebastian find me! I sobbed as I felt a slick finger enter my passage, followed by another and another. Oh, God it hurts! My mind supplied for me, however I knew what was coming and at the sensation of a brutal thrust ripping through me tore a scream through my throat even if the gag was still in place. The pain was overwhelming, I knew the drug had worked its way out of my system, or I just couldn't feel the effects anymore.

"Mmmph!" I tried to get out and tell this demon to stop, for I knew he had to be that. Who else could be so strong and do unnatural things. The sounds he was making, obviously in pleasure were really disgusting me.

"You're so hot and tight. And yet, I don't think I'm your first. Twelve years old and already defiled, what a lewd child. Just like a whore." The painful words struck me to the core as more tears fell from my eyes. I could feel blood coating my thighs and sent a prayer for anyone to help me just like I had done on the alter two years before. SEBASTIAN! I tried one more time before clenching my eyes shut, I did not want to see this man's face as he climaxed. My breath was haggard, struggling to breathe. I knew my asthma I inherited from my mother was acting up again, I could feel my chest constrict painfully.

"All worth it." Viscount Druitt supplied as he pulled out and proceeded to get dressed and back to his party. I'm sorry Sebastian, but I don't think I can survive through another of these incidents. I closed my eyes, my own lungs suffocating themselves.

The door crashed open and a dark figure with a violent aura stormed into the room, I could see the shadows hugging him as his grown out hair reached his hips and swayed violently behind him. That sadistic smile turned to the wide eyed Viscount, sharpened canine's glittering in a promise of pain and crimson eyes shimmering with unbridled power.

"Really now, Vampire. Do you think a few of your underlings could stop me?" Sebastian spat and his talons cut viscously through Druitt's neck, blood spilling from a large gash as Sebastian's other hand swiftly entered the chest; breaking the bones and encircling the heart before bursting it in his hand.

"Although it won't kill you, I lack the necessary equipment to do it now. Yet, in a year's time when you have recovered Vampire I look forward to killing you." With that his talons retracted and his sharp canine's dulled a bit as he rushed to his master's side and untied him. As soon as the gag was off I tried hard to find my breath again only to gag violently and throw up over the side of the bed, coughing violently. I was grateful for the touch on my back as Sebastian whispered soothing things in my ear.

"Young Master, please I beg for forgiveness. I broke a promise and it was unforgivable." I could hardly contain my emotions and he was already so formal, a stinging pain entered my chest as a sob escaped wracking painfully through my body.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed as I could no longer take the guilt, it hurt. It really did and nothing could stop that feeling from making me seem more helpless than I was before. Tears run unbridled now and I sobbed hard, feeling as if I should give over my soul now. At least it would be taken by someone who was by my side for two years.

"Don't apologize My Lord. It was not your fault. Come let's get you home and clean you up." I nodded numbly as I felt his coat over my shoulders and he took me into his chest where I curled tightly, needing the comfort of his body heat and the steady beat of his heart. It was all I knew and water to know at this time.



Enjoy and I'll see you later.
Ja Ne

voilence, ciel, kuroshitsuji, sebastian

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