Father Figure Part 1:

Dec 29, 2010 12:08

Title: Father Figure
Status: Ongoing
Fandom: Naruto
Pairings: Jiraiya/Naruto slight, Itachi/Naruto non-con, Sasuke/Naruto onesided and main pairing Kyuubi/Naruto
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the following characters, if I did Naruto would only be Yaoi.
Warnings: Non-con, Shota-con, AU, Incest, Mpreg
Summery: In an AU world where Naruto is the son of Minato and Kyuubi, inheriting his father's fox ears and eventually nine tails. It follows Naruto's unfortunate experience and encounter with a certain Uchiha and the implications of the deed that was commited.
A/N: Some fluff and a lot of angst, get ready for some tissues. And please don't shoot me for writting some perverted things later on in the series.

CRACK! The thunder and lightning were effecting the village of Konoha in a viscous storm.

Inside a traditional home a young Uzumaki Naruto was cowering beneath his bed covers,

fear sending shiver's racing through his body. He clutched his stuffed fox plusshie close to

his chest; where at the age of eight he was a vulnerable and scared child.

"Kyuubi; ore osore!" His young voice shook as he spoke to his plushie and only friend.

Within his mind he could always hear Kyuubi talk to him; comforting him when he was


"Shizukesa, my precious kit. I'm right here." The deep voice of Kyuubi was soothing to him.

Yet, as another flash of light and roll of thunder he jerked unconsciously; whimpering and

clutching his stuffed fox tighter.

"Come kit, go on. You need him, go to him. I'll always be with you, but until I can unlock

this seal we can't see each other face to face. Go to your godfather instead kit, he can help

where I can't at the moment." Naruto nodded and slid out of his futon, his sunshine blond

hair spiky, unruly and his bangs covering luminous blue eyes dipped in a glaze of tears

of fear. His feat silently slid across the wooden floors beneath him, carrying him

towards his godfather's room.


Jiraiya, the legendary Sannin of Konoha, heard the faint noise of his shouji door sliding

open. He turned to see the frightened blue eyes of Naruto staring at him. He observed

the shivering form and felt someone tugging at his heartstrings.

"Ore, osore Raiya-chichi, onegai...onegai can I sleep here?" Jiraiya smiled gently at Naruto

and patted the space next to him, signalling Naruto that he had given his consent. He didn't

have to wait long as the boy slipped under the comforting covers and shifted closer to his

godfather, seeking warmth and protection.

"Oyasumi Naruto." He smoothed the boy's hair and kissed the top of his head in a loving

gesture. Luminous blue eyes stared up at him and Jiraiya smiled back reassuringly, Naruto

assured he would be protected in the arms of his fearsome godfather, slid closed his eyes .

"Oyasumi Raiya-Chichi." And clutching Kyuubi closer to him he did not forget to wish a

good night to his friend.

"Oyasumi Kyuubi-sama."

"Sweet dreams kit." The deep voice reverberating through his mind, calming and soothing.


Jiraiya woke the next morning to the gentle pitter patter of a light drizzle and calm

breathing next to him. Naruto was curled up for warmth and comfort, his angelic features

peaceful in rest. He sighed and gently shook Naruto awake, reluctant to wake the child.

"Come Naruto, wake up." Shimmering eyes still glazed with sleep stared lazily up at him.

His whisker like markings scrunching up as he wrinkled his nose, the two fox ears atop his

head flattened cutely against his head. Jiraiya smiled and scratched behind those two fox

ears and got an almost purr out of Naruto, who eagerly leaned into the touch. He chuckled

lightly and indulged the little fox demon child, knowing the appendages were from Kyuubi

who fathered him and was also sealed into him.

"Come Naruto, let's get some breakfast." Naruto, upon hearing those words, leapt up in

excitement. He clutched his fox toy close to him as his own fox tail was twitching behind

him excitedly.

"Ramen! Ramen!" he happily chanted whilst Jiraiya just sighed. Naruto was just like his

father, so much so that he could barely tell their personalities apart.

"Ramen so early in the morning? How about we go visit Aunt Tsunade? Where I'm sure

Shizune-neechan will make you a wonderful breakfast." He watched in amusement as

Naruto literally skidded towards his bedroom to get ready. Jiraiya frowned when an

urgent pressing matter came to his mind. He had received a distressing message from

Tsunade early in the morning when Naruto was still fast asleep. The massacre of the entire

Uchiha clan, whilst the two survivors were leaving the shinobi investigators puzzled. The

oldest brother, Uchiha Itachi had gone missing, suspected to be the one behind all the

bloodshed whilst the youngest, Uchiha Sasuke was still unconscious. Jiraiya was jerked

from his thoughts by a small hand tugging gently at his long white haired ponytail.

"Raiya-chichi?" He looked down into innocent blue orbs, fox ears twitching slightly in

concern. He ruffled the blond hair and made sure to tickle those cute ears as well before

grabbing the eight year old by the hand and leading him towards Tsunade's house. It was

a quiet walk in the rain freshened country; the smell of freshly fallen spring rain and

flowers drifting through the air.

"Granny Tsunade!" The squeal of surprise caught Jiraiya off guard as a yellow and orange

blur disappeared into his teammates arms. He flinched when he heard what Naruto had

just called the buxom blond. Those honey coloured eyes were staring at him pointedly,

awaiting an explanation.

"And just who told him to call me granny?" She asked Jiraiya in a dangerous voice, her

fists were clenched and an angry frown marring her face. Jiraiya flinched and attempted

to hide behind an innocent smile that seemed more guilty than anything.

"Raiya-chichi? Can I go find Shizune-neechan?"

"You let him call you daddy, Jiraiya?" A seething voice asked and Jiraiya cursed Naruto

for digging his grave further. He just knew blood was going to be spilled and it was

going to be his.

"Granny Tsunade?" Naruto asked inquisitively. She snapped her attention to the boy in

front of her; fox ears slightly drooping and a tail wrapped nervously around his own

waist. She forgot that Naruto was sensitive towards the changes in emotion around

those he knew well.

"Come Kitsune-chibi, Shizune said she would love to look after you today and has

even prepared your favourite breakfast." Naruto yipped happily and hugged Kyuubi

closer to his chest. All his confusion forgotten in the promise of food and a playmate;

one of which he rarely had considering how different he was to others.



'Ore Osore' - I'm Afraid
'Shizukesa' - Hush (comforting gesture)
'Onegai' - Please
'Raiya-chichi' Naruto's affectionate term for Jiraiya, meaning Raiya daddy.

'Oyasumi' - Sleep well/good night
'Kitsune-chibi' Fox cub

Hope you enjoyed, Ja Ne.

kyuubi, tsunade, jiraiya, naruto, minato, kyuubi/naruto

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