Times of Life: Chapter 2:

Mar 26, 2011 16:03

Another chapter with Sam as cute sparkling. Cuteness warning lol. Please enjot the read.

Title: The Times of Life
Chapter: Chapter 1
Fandom: Transformers (Movies)
Disclaimer: I do not any of the characters but I do own the plot bunny. Transformers does not belong to me although I wish it did.
Pairings: Ratchet/Sam
Rating: PG 13 for now but may become NC-17 later.  
Summery: A life changing event that leaves Sam helpless and depressed where only  a certain CMO can bring him comfort; or so he really hopes since it is his secret love...
Chapter Summery: Sam has a talk with the Primes that leaves him with the secret of their gift and an uncertain furture; his heart calls out to Ratchet.

"Sam?" Ratchet inquired as the boy let out a yelp of sudden surprise. Confused Ratchet approached Sam and ran scanners over him; picking up panic and slight fear with a heart rate that was beating erratically as well.

"I'm fine Ratchet, go recharge you need it." Sam said as a gentle smile was gifted at the overly tired Medic. Ratchet frowned; something was not quite right. Yet after ten minutes of Sam convincing him everything was fine, Ratchet gave up and trudged towards his separate hanger for some much needed rest. Completely unaware of the whispered 'I love you' that echoed down the passageway. Sam turned his attention back towards the voice that was talking to him; telling him the time has come.

' Don't be afraid; you will be loved and cherished by all but mostly by your beloved.' Primus' voice drifted through him like a gentle caressing breeze.

"Okay, I'm ready." Sam whispered with resolve strong in his voice. There was a sudden pull at his heart and he gave a startled yelp. Time seemed to slow as sensation flooded through him; gentle hands reaching for him. Calming him, reassuring him; all to comfort his sudden fear and wavering uncertainty.

"It's fine Sam; don't worry. We have everything under control." The voice of the Compassionate Prime settled over him. Sam gave a lazy nod as his eyes slipped closed and his heartbeat shuttered before giving out. Endless blinding light engulfed him, voices of the Primes all around him. It was the deep voice that drew his attention the most.

"You accepted your destiny Samuel James Witwicky; child of Cybertron. All I can do is bless your spark and hand you over to my chosen children to complete the process of your safe creation. Within seven human days you will be returned to your new family and your old shell shall be no more." Sam nodded again; finally giving his trust to Primus and his chosen...


Ratchet shook with suppressed sorrow as he felt his spark rip into many millions of pieces again and again. He was so distraught after finding Sam dead in his medic bay that fateful morning six days ago. Waking from recharge by a sudden yelp of pain had Ratchet running towards Sam. Where the boy's heart had stuttered to a stop and leaving Ratchet's spark broken after all his attempts failed to bring his Sam back. He hadn't left the med bay since.

"Ratchet, old friend, it's time to go." Optimus informed him; the large Autobot Leader's voice filled with sadness and pain. Ratchet gave a solemn nod as he shifted to his alt form and followed the blue and red semi out towards the graveyard. Sam's body was being buried and all Autobots were invited to join. The gleaming array of colorful vehicles all parked behind the small group of crying humans.

"A solemn day has befallen us all and we ask..." The man in funny robes went on and Ratchet tuned out; to distraught to even listen to the words that were supposed to comfort. It hurt; Primus it hurt and Ratchet didn't know what to do to make it stop. A static filed sob escaped his vocal processor as the hummer laid low on his shocks; laying dejectedly on tires as he tried to shrink in on himself. He tried to muffle his sobs but the more he tried the more it hurt; feeling his sorrow manifesting in Energon droplets leaking from his headlights in semblance of tears.

"It's alright Ratchet," Optimus whispered to his friend trying to calm the CMO from losing his processor; only his efforts were nullified when Ratchet took off. Loud keening sounds spilling from the distressed EMT Hummer.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." The priest murmured but no Autobot was really listening; all Cybertronians' attentions on the mourning Medic. The twins turned to one another.

"You think he will be alright?" Skids asked a subdued Madflap. The red Chevy Spark only moved on his wheels in semblance of a shrug. Respectful silence stretching as far as the ears and audio sensors could hear.


Ratchet came to a shuddering stop; shifting out of his alt form as he hastily wiped at the constant stream of Energon tears that spilled from his optics. Desperate keening sounds escaping his vocalizer as he sought some semblance of comfort to settle his spark ache. He felt his world fall apart, bringing so much pain that he dismally realized that Sam was more then just a friend.

"It's only me that's so obtuse that I don't even notice my own spark reaching out to its mate." Ratchet reprimanded himself, angry at himself and lost in his grief...

Sounds he never thought he'd hear again were playing havoc with his audio receptors.

"That's it Ratchet; lose your processor. After all it's just what you need." The CMO muttered to himself. With heavy stabilizing servos he followed the sounds; sounds of crying from a sparkling. All the while trying to stem the flow of Energon tears, beginning to wonder if maybe it was himself he was hearing.

Little whirls and clicks of distress got louder and Ratchet felt a tug at his spark. He hurried towards the sound as his scanner picked up a small but strong spark pulse. His medical training taking over as he hurried towards the distressed sounds that shook his spark to the core. If a sparkling was alive it was a Primus given gift. His optics widening at the sight before him; sitting on the ground in the middle of a scorched crater was a sparkling. Bright green optics overflowing with distressed Energon tears. The most startling feature was those tiny little wings that quivered with the little one's distressed wailing.

"Hush little one," Ratchet murmured as he stepped closer; careful not to startle the youngling. He cooed little comforts in Cybertronian, smiling gently as he saw those green optics turn towards him. Stuttering intakes sounding as little arms stretched; wanting to be picked up. Little whines, clicks and whirs escaped the sparkling's tiny vocal processor.

"It's alright; come little one we need to get you back to base. Optimus would love to meet you as well as all the others." Ratchet cooed as his obliged the silent request and picked the little sparkling up; holding him close to his spark chamber where the little unnamed seeker curled up and fell into deep recharge. The pain of Sam's death being pushed back into his processors, knowing that this little sparkling needed to be cared for carefully.

Ratchet cooed as the little sparkling whined as Ratchet approached the base. The little form shifting fearfully against his alt form's leather seats. Ratchet picked up his speed; sirens blaring as he approached the military base. Not even stopping at the perimeter security check point. He came to a shuddering halt right in front of Optimus Prime.

"Ratchet are you alright?" Optimus inquired; blue eyes lifting from a recently acquired data pad. Frowning at the concerned clicks Ratchet was making. Optimus frowned when he saw Ratchet carefully transforming; large servos concealing; no shielding the object from the world.

"Optimus, please stay calm and don't fry your circuits." Ratchet took a breath as he brought his servo forward and unfurling to reveal a sparkling deep in recharge.

"Dear Primus! Ratchet, is my optics deceiving me?" Optimus asked out loud; large fingers reaching out to touch the sparkling resting in Ratchet's palm. A smile of joy splitting both Autobots' faceplates as the sparkling curled up tighter in Ratchet's palm and nuzzled at the comfort he found there.

"Ratchet?" The questions were all unspoken but Ratchet answered him anyways.

"I found him by himself in a crater; his wailing spark breaking. A seeker too, Primus blessed us with a great gift."

"That he did, Ratchet. You see these markings," Optimus pointed to the different markings that adorned the small seeker's body; all written in the language of the Primes.

"They are a gift given from each of the chosen Primes. Like this." Prime pointed to the symbol engraved on his helm.

"This little seeker was marked by seven Primes Ratchet. He was created by them and Primus." Optimus told the field Medic; curious as to the fierce protectiveness that Ratchet displayed. Immediately pulling the little youngling against his spark chamber as he began fusing against Ratchet's palm; seeking warmth from the CMO's much larger spark.

"He needs a designation. I will leave him in your capable servos Ratchet; the others will be informed shortly. For now feed the little one some low grade Energon. I trust you to look after him and become his immediate care giver. Do you accept?" Optimus asked; done diplomatic.

"With my entire spark." Ratchet replied as he stepped out of Prime's office; keening sounds spilling from the sparkling's vocalizer. Optimus smiled at the gentle cooing sounds Ratchet made to help the sparkling. Knowing that this would be good to help Ratchet overcome his immense grief at Sam's death.


"Sam! Calm down I'm coming!" Ratchet yelled from his Medbay as he heard little distressed clicks off to his right where he had lain the seeker sparkling down for his routine afternoon recharge. His designation was chosen in memory of his beloved spark mate he never got a chance to know. Every, now and then; sharp pierces of pain would overwhelm him only to fade as the little sparkling Sam crooned for his undivided attention.

"You must be hungry." Ratchet said as he approached the fusing sparkling. Green optics shuttering as Ratchet approached; a cube of low grade Energon held in his servo. A smile tugging at his face plates as Sam stretched his little arms towards him; a series of happy clicks spilling from his vocalizer. Green optics shimmering in anticipation.

"Careful, Sam." Ratchet admonished; thumb trailing over the drops of Energon that spilled from Sam's tiny mouth; clicking happily as he drank the rest of the cube.

"Ratchet? Optimus sent us for our ornly medical." Ironhide mentioned as the Med bay's doors hissed open; Ratchet glared at the GMC Topkick.

"What're you doing?" Ironhide hissed as he saw the Medic patting the sparkling seeker between his wings; frowning when Sam's intakes stuttered before going silent again.

"Little slagger drank his Energon too hastily." Ratchet said harshly although fondly as he walked towards the large berth Ironhide was sitting on.

"Hold him while I run the scans." Ratchet said, handing a tired Sam to Ironhide. Even though Ironhide was overjoyed that a sparkling was found and that he could be raised. Ironhide was fearful to participate in the youngling's raising because of his gruff stature and short temper; Ironhide knew he could easily hurt Sam.

"Honestly, you rust bucket. He seeks comfort; hold him close to your spark chamber." Ratchet snapped as he moved forward and manually adjusted Ironhide's servos around the precious sparkling and brought Sam close to 'Hide's spark. Before briskly getting back to work; smirking to himself. Ratchet had never seen Ironhide show such tenderness and yet with Sam he showed a side he never thought he had.

"All done 'Hide." Ratchet replied after finishing his check up and small repairs that were necessary.

"Off you go and send Optimus in." Ironhide nodded and moved forward to hand a sleeping Sam to Ratchet and the medic declined; shaking his head and holding up a baring servo.

"Look after him for a while. He likes you; let him sleep for a while. Sam needs it; he sometimes wakes from recharge screaming and I struggle to calm him. So please just for a little while?" Ironhide nodded and grumbled; the sound reverberating through the sparkling whose wings twitched slightly in his deep recharge. Ironhide cooed at the sight and walked out of the Medbay. Sam tucked securely against his spark chamber.


All done thanks for reading and please leave comment if you like...

ironhide, bumblebee, optimus, seeker, ratchet/sam, sparkling sam

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