One More Day: Chapter 5/?

Mar 26, 2011 15:07

Another chapter for your viewing pleasure.

Title: One More Day
Chapter: Chapter 5
Fandom: Transformers (Movies)
Disclaimer: I do not any of the characters but I do own the plot bunny. Transformers does not belong to me although I wish it did.
Pairings: Optimus/Sam and some Ratchet/Bumblebee
Rating: PG 13 for now but may become NC-17 later.  
Summery: A life changing event that leaves Sam reeling will open the doors to a relationship that not many will understand and will cost his the love of his family and human friends. Yet, he refuses to give up his love for a certain Autobot leader and all the trails and tribulations that comes forth.

The drive back to base was silent as both Optimus and Sam were caught up in their thoughts. The comm. from Ironhide seemed important and Optimus was trying his best to sort through his processor before reaching the base. What Sam had mentioned had brought emotions long forgotten to the forefront of his processor and his emotional processor was somewhat strained.

"Optimus?" Sam asked concerned; the small distressed keen that came from Optimus' radio was disconcerting. It made Sam worry that he might have said too much and had now upset the great Autobot Leader. There was a series of clicks and warbles as Optimus muttered in Cybertronian and Sam smiled; knowing that Optimus was cursing colourfully in Cybertronian. There was a small silence  before Sam spoke up.

"Optimus, don't swear so much." Sam admonished the red and blue semi as the last of the sun's rays disappeared into the horizon.

"Sorry Sam; but Ironhide was saying something inappropriate. By the way how did you know I was cursing?" Optimus asked.

"Ratchet and Ironhide cuss a lot and well after a while you pick it up; even in Cybertronian." Sam explained and Optimus chuckled; and observant little human. Optimus thought to himself.  It wasn't long until the approached the base; the evening air cold as Sam stepped out of the warmth of Optimus' cab. There was quiet shifting behind Sam as Optimus transformed to his bipedal form; making Sam yelp as the unsuspecting human was picked up and placed on the Autobot Leader's shoulder.

"Optimus! We have an emergency!" Ironhide yelled; snickering at the sight of a possessive Optimus as he shielded Sam from view.

"What's the situation Ironhide?" Optimus inquired, ignoring the snickering Ironhide.

"Oh we received a distress signal from Prowl and his team; their estimated time of arrival. Two groons in counting." Ironhide relayed the message that Bumblebee had picked up from just outside the solar system." Ironhide reported; his amusement suddenly fading as the seriousness of the situation came to forefront of his processor.

"What is their status?" Optimus asked, voice grave as he knew Prowl sending out a distressed signal was never a good thing.

"Not good." Was Ironhide's grave answer. Optimus nodded and made his way into the large hanger; processor already working on strategy plans. Although that was Prowl's department and Optimus knew that his second in command would only resort to distress signals as his last outcome in a dangerous situation.

"Bumblebee I want a ETA on the incoming Autobot's; don't rule out Decepticon's giving chase. I want you to calculate their area of landing. Ratchet you are to be on stand by; they could be seriously injured and Ironhide I want you to keep an optic on their atmospheric entry and search for possible dangers." Optimus took control of the situation; his own processors scanning for any dangers and possible threats that could harm the humans.

"Estimated destination entry is thirteen miles outside of Tranquillity. Estimated time of arrival 20:30 on the earth's time." Bumblebee informed the Autobot team; scanners continuing to run to assess the possible dangers lurking within the group coming in.

"Very well, Autobot's roll out."


Prowl snarled, his control slipping as they entered the atmosphere. His spark was out of control and he had two injured mechs with his team; his logic circuits were straining to keep up with all the calculations. Assessing the current situation and coming up empty handed; there was no response from Optimus' team and no spark connection to Jazz that he could feel and yet he knew this was the planet that he needed to be on as he caught Optimus' signal a few stars away from this planet.

Sunstreaker, Sideswipe. Stay with Red Alert. Prowl sent over his comm. as their group of five entered the lower stratosphere. First Aid stay close to   Jolt. There were positive responses as they began their uncontrolled descent. A final burst of his signal was sent out as they prepared fro the worst scenario.


"Incoming Optimus." Bumblebee shouted as he spotted the six balls of fire approach at a fast pace. Optimus nodded, shielding Sam as they landed. The ground shaking from the impact and sending pieces of vegetation flying. It was then that they noticed the tight formation. Three travelling pods were close together as if the two were protecting the one in the middle and another formation of two pods the last one crashed off to the side.

"Identify yourselves." Optimus commanded sternly as the mechs began shifting from their pod forms.

"Designations: Prowl; Second in Command. Designation Sunstreaker and Sideswipe; Warriors.  Designation Jolt;  Energy Specialist. Designation First Aid;  junior medic. Designation Red Alert; Security Chief." Prowl's professional voice claimed as they all shifted from their travelling pod forms; the twins immediately protecting their younger brother from danger. Ratchet immediately moved towards the most injured Autobot he could see; Red Alert was in trouble. Energon leaking from a large wound in the Security chief's shoulder; armour bent and glitching up a storm.

"First Aid! Get your aft over here." Ratchet yelled as he proceeded to stop the rapid flow of Energon from the gaping wound in Red Alert's shoulder.

"But Ratchet,  sir, Jolt is..."

"Is he stable?" Ratchet barked and the smaller mech sunk into himself; he never really like when Ratchet yelled.

"Yes, sir." he replied tentatively.

"Good, his injuries are not so severe. I need your help here please; the Energon flow needs to be stifled." Ratchet replies, a little calmer. Knowing his apprentice's fears and convictions. There was a flurry of movement as they worked together to help Red Alert from loosing too much fuel.

"Ratchet! Report." Optimus yelled as he approached the form of Jolt; the young Autobot sitting up and wincing in pain. He would do what he could to help; being the leader meant that he needed a good base of medical knowledge. As he set to work repairing some of the wires that snapped and small leaks he found he turned towards Prowl.

"Prowl what happened?"

"We were on one of the planets when the Decepticon's found my group. We managed to drive the three back but Red Alert and Jolt were injured. Damage assessment forced us to alter our course and send out a distress signal. That was when we intercepted your message." Prowl replied, calm as ever if a little emotionless although Optimus could sense the commander's anxiety and distress.

"Optimus? Is there something I can do?" Sam inquired as he climbed from Optimus' shoulder and got ready to climb onto the mech Optimus was helping.

"No Sam, he's fine. It's Red Alert I'm afraid for." Optimus said as he turned his optics toward where Ratchet and First Aid were working on the Security Chief.


"Oh, sorry. You don't speak Cybertronian. This is Prowl, Jolt, Sunstreaker his twin Sideswipe and First Aid." He indicated said Autobots in a sweeping motion. A groon later Ratchet finally moved away from the now calm Red Alert, his helm no longer dancing in sparks and the Energon flow stopped.

"Are you alright Red Alert?" Optimus inquired as he approached the small mech.

"Yes Optimus sir." Optimus nodded before turning towards the new arrivals.

"Please scan your alt modes;  there are a variety of cars here." There nods of agreement and soon there were six new vehicles sitting in the places where the Cybertronians had been before. There was a Nissan 350Z police car, a red Lamborghini and the exact same model in Yellow and a few metres away from them was another Lamborghini this one decorated with red and white and had red sirens mounted on its roof. Off to the side stood a blue Chevy Volt and a small red and white ambulance.

"Very well Autobot's roll out." Optimus claimed as he transformed and led the group back to base; a small sigh drifting into the cab and washing over Sam in a rush of cold air.

"Are you alright Optimus?" Sam asked the weary leader and Optimus bounced on his wheels in a nod and then stayed silent for a long time. Sam patted the dashboard and steering wheel beneath his fingers. Smiling slight when sounds of contentment spilled from the radio and into the cabin.

"I'm alright Sam, I'm just not looking forward to telling Prowl that Jazz is gone. He is already in so much pain that I can't imagine giving more of a burden to carry." Optimus replied dejectedly and Sam did his best to calm the Autobot Leader until they reached the base.


"The debriefing will now commence," Optimus claimed as the new arrivals had settled down and had a chance to learn earth's languages and give Ratchet to make sure all of the injured were going to survive.  Ratchet was sitting to the side with Bumblebee' s head in his lap as his servo gently traced the Yellow Camaro's audio sensors; smiling when the scout shivered beneath his touch every now and then as he traced a very sensitive spot.

"Approximately four earth months ago we encountered the All Spark and engaged Megatron in battle; suffice to say we managed to prevail but with several tragedies. Sam here, out Human/Cybertronian Liaison and great friend was the one to off line Megatron. Saving my life and all of ours; however the All Spark was destroyed in the process. It pains me to say this but," Optimus made optic contact with Ratchet and the CMO sat up a little straighter and gently stood; pulling Bumblebee with his; their fingers entwined as they waited for the reaction from Prowl at the next words to come.

"I'm sorry but we lost Jazz." There was stunned silence and then an ear, heart and soul shattering shriek from the police car. Door wings restlessly moving up and down as his spark shattering screams ripped through the Autobot base. Ratchet moved fast; fingers carefully pulling at several wires; optics sadly observing the now prone Cybertronian on  the floor. There was silence as the new arrivals talked amongst themselves and even Energon tears were freely spilling. Sam had hurried towards where Prowl was motionless beneath Ratchet's fingers and scrambled up his spark chamber. Fingers resting over the spark and pain lanced through his body; he could not scream so instead his tears dripped from his clenched eyelids and beneath him Energon tears rolled down Prowl's faceplates as they reflected in each other's pain...splitting it and combining their grief.

"SAM ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" Optimus bellowed; it was spark wrenching to watch and he wanted to do nothing but take Sam away from where he was and lock him up somewhere safe where he would not get hurt except Ratchet shook his head; denying his approach. The rest of the Autobot's all quiet as they observed the scene before them.


All done; please leave a comment if you like it. Thanks for reading.

optimus/sam, jolt, red alert, first aid, twins, prowl, angst, ratchet/bumblebee., char death

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