ooc talk post

Oct 02, 2009 10:47

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ooc talk post

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omnomnomsweets October 3 2009, 17:42:44 UTC
So this kind of made me smile, a lot. I bet he's hard as hell to play, but what fun! And just to fuck with both of them, I'm gonna get over my fear of DRs and try to throw Break at him... please do not be hating me if I mess up or something, I have never had to deal with a muse meeting his own traumatized past self before. It's just not one of those things that comes up too often.
(I hope it's not too late to join in the party?)


snowwhite_chaos October 3 2009, 17:47:24 UTC
Hey man! Ooooh, you have no idea how gleeful this made me. I've been hoping for him to meet a Break, just because a) he doesn't know how wrong it all went yet and b) Break's scorn over his past decisions will be really interesting to see played out if he actually confronts himself about them.

Also, it is NEVER too late to join the party.


omnomnomsweets October 3 2009, 18:06:41 UTC
Pfffff don't expect too much I'm not really sure what I am doing with this. But yeah, it should be interesting! I don't think he'll But uh, question for the thread. I'm not used to DRs or this style of game at all, so the threads before us- do we act like they happened or not? Is Kevin all bandaged up and in the bedroom, or is he still hanging out on the floor wallowing in OHGODTHISSUCKS?

Also, oh wow I must have awesome timing if you just happen to be on.


snowwhite_chaos October 3 2009, 18:10:35 UTC
You really do. Your comment notification hit my inbox while I was reading my first email of my saturday off.

Admittedly, part of the reason I put him in yesterday was because I knew I'd have time for him over the next couple of days, but the timing was still really weird.


omnomnomsweets October 3 2009, 18:34:12 UTC
Obviously, I am *~magic~*!

...Or something like that, idk. But seriously, do we pretend the other threads exist or not? Sorry for my fail but I don't play this format so. I'm used to having everyone in one big happy thread. XD


snowwhite_chaos October 3 2009, 18:35:32 UTC
Ho, hum, I think it's personal choice. Tell you what, let me retag that last one that he's already been bandaged, so we can move this thread on to more constructive things? *Goes to edit*


omnomnomsweets October 3 2009, 20:34:10 UTC
Sure thing! I'll probably be slow though, I'm doing some other stuff and have somewhere to be later. But I'll keep checking back on this because, well, precanon Break. Yeah.


snowwhite_chaos October 3 2009, 20:45:30 UTC
That's okay, I'm in pretty much the same boat. Life goes on- I totally don't mind picking at this slowly, since it already promises to be EPIC.


omnomnomsweets October 4 2009, 19:07:50 UTC
This is a pretty beautiful train wreck, I gotta say. The whole post is, actually, especially the bit with White Alice.

Also, sudden tense change because it feels weird to third person at someone who is first personing. Those are both verbs now because I said so.


snowwhite_chaos October 4 2009, 19:32:03 UTC
Aaaaaah, it's so painful and I can't look away. Poor Kevin. Poor Break. I'm kind of concerned for him, honestly, because... you know, Shelly isn't here. He's not particularly stable and him being on his own? Wacky, wacky hijinx.

Sorry about that! I automatically present tense everything I write without thinking about it. I try to switch once in a while, but always end up slipping back into it.


omnomnomsweets October 4 2009, 20:34:32 UTC
Yeahhhh, Kevin is going to come out of this pretty uh... I don't even know. It should be interesting. I guess this depends on who sticks by him... maybe I'll drop Break into the recovery thread later tomorrow or something. He might be full of rage and angst towards Kevin, but it IS still himself, so.

...Also oops, Kevin just flipped his rage switch. You can pretty much sum this up with "WAIT, IT GETS WORSE."


snowwhite_chaos October 5 2009, 00:29:49 UTC
Mwaha, this is turning out exactly as twisted and crazy as I thought it'd be. Sadly though, I've got to be off. I'll get back to it as soon as I can though, because wow this is fun.


omnomnomsweets October 5 2009, 08:07:52 UTC
It is! Kind of hard sometimes, but still really fun. Thanks for being the best Kevin Regnard out there. Okay, the only one, but that's beside the point. I won't be on till late tomorrow though, got a night exam that I need to study like a mofo for. (That's actually why I was at home all day today in the first place, but tomorrow I shouldn't even be online.)


snowwhite_chaos October 5 2009, 09:13:29 UTC
Seriously. I haven't concentrated this hard on a thread in ages! And good grief, thank you, that means so much, I'm SO nervous about playing him. Your Break is one of my absolute favourites, and he definitely isn't the only one at all!

Good luck with your exam. Break a leg, knock it out of the park, etc.


omnomnomsweets October 6 2009, 21:23:27 UTC
...Orrrr maybe I won't be on at all, oops, sorry about that? And no need to be so nervous, I think you're doing fine. Especially for such limited canon. I could never play off that little information. Thanks to you too though... I'm really afraid of playing him with people who know the canon (hence the fear of DRs), so I'm glad to hear that.


snowwhite_chaos October 6 2009, 21:42:28 UTC
The limited canon is almost easier for me. I know it's a copout, but I can almost invent my own character, as long as he works plausibly with the facts provided and seems like someone who could turn into the Break we know!

I just finished the app for my first canon Break, and am TERRIFIED to start playing him, though.


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