A very special chair for sale

Jul 22, 2009 21:41

I need your help. I need to raise some emergency cash very quickly. So with much sorrow, I am looking to sell an antique chair that I own, or use it as collateral for a loan.

This is a very special chair. It is medieval...not a replica. The story is that my father's voice teacher was a German national who was in Berlin during the May Day invasion in 1945. The chair was one of the last remaining artifacts from a 14th century mediaeval church that had been bombed. She salvaged it and a few other artifacts. She passed and left everything to my father. My father passed and left it to me.

I has never been stripped, or refinished, it has the original patina. Of course there are some scratches. It is remarkably sturdy. There are no nails in it. It has a beautiful tree of life carving on the backboard.

I am offering it to all of my friends that I know are historical enthusiast. Please pm me if interested. I need to raise funds ASAP, so a quick response is needed. And yes, I have tried many an auction house.


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