I have neglected my blog for weeks... I am well aware....
But well, several things;
#1. I watched The Dark Knight last night at 8. IT WAS AMAZING! It was astonishingly brilliant and just... damn it, Heath Ledger! It was all fantastic and out of this world.
I mean, I am lacking a lot of eloquence here, I feel. But really... there's no way to get around such an amazing display of movie making ability without suffering from some lacking in your eloquence.
Let me say a few things, Heath Ledger... damn you, kid! Why did you have to go and die on us? I feel for you, I feel for the loss of you... And I was honestly afraid of watching this film and being very disturbed... But I wasn't. Because he's so motherfucking good in it that you forget, through 2 and a half hours that he's Heath Ledger.
Having said that... he was brilliant among brilliants too.
Christian Bale does not disappoint. In either way; he continues to bring on the fabulous, cocky and bratty Bruce (who, I must be honest, for a couple of moments reminds me of Patrick Bateman), and still the same self righteous and almost prepotent Batman.
Michael Caine is the best Alfred Batman's ever had... I love him, and I'm normally not into Michael Caine, I'll admit.
Aaron Eckhart is another actor that I've hardly ever taken seriously. Not ever, to be honest (I haven't watched Thank You For Smoking though). But he had me on his first scene. Maggie Gyllenhall was a major, MAJOR improvement. I have always wondered how come no one noticed that there was to be some fail in an equation that included Michael Cane, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Liam Neeson... and Katie Holmes.
How had I forgotten that Gary Oldman was in these films?!?! LOVE!!! LOVED HIM! Major plot twist there, damn you Nolan!
And while we are on the subject of Christopher Nolan...
I bow to you, Mr Nolan on the Hong Kong scenes. Wow. I have... see what I said about a lack of eloquence?! It was brilliant! Just out of this world brilliant! And this comes from someone who watched Alias for 5 seasons... I've seen those displays. I was still dazzled.
I will admit, I wasn't impressed with Batman Begins. I truly wasn't. But I appreciated his treatment of Batman... and, what this comes on to say is that, I love how Nolan's Batman is a Batman who is truly affected by who he is as a human being. He is the true beauty in what I have always loved about Batman; that he's not a super anything, he doesn't have any special super power other than tremendous perseverance and strength of mind. And, in TDK, he has to come to terms with the fact that he will not always save everyone! He can't! Even when he makes the right choices, they won't save everyone; and that makes him struggle. And Nolan knows how to write him; and he directs Christian into delivering him to perfection.
The underlying psychology in the interaction of characters is brilliant! How he emphasizes people's reactions and motivations. How people are driven by something or another, and like how the joker drives them out of their edge simply by not having any motivation at all. I find it curious, too, that motivation is the first thing that everyone - from Batman to the Mayor - everyone wants to know the other's motivation...
And to be honest, that's as far as my lack of eloquence gets me through... I can't write anymore at the moment...
Ok, in any case, this played before The Dark Knight, and wow! WOW!!! I had never watched this one before, and I adored it!!!!!!!! I SHIVERED AND GOT GOOSEBUMPS!!! It was just astonishing to watch it on the big screen. If you have not watched the International Trailer to Australia; watch it here:
http://www.monstersandcritics.com/movies/trailers/index.php?bcpid=348381898&bclid=348522714&bctid=1584805112 Ok, so... my sister has arrived and is demanding my attention, so... blog will continue to wait...
OH, and MAJOR PS: WTF JOHANNA!??! How did I not know you were there last night!? AW! I would have loved to see you!!! And I have to find out through Beto today that you were there!!! Aw bb!! I'm so sorry I missed you! :D